Archangel Michael: The Pathway Empowering the Shif

Archangel Michael: The Pathway Empowering the Shift of the Ages

Channel: Ailia Mira | Source

Divine Ones,

The newest creation within your world that we would like to point out to you, is the expanding stream of energy in which human beings are feeling that being who they truly are, MATTERS.

This is a powerful shift within your species and one that reflects the increase in frequency that many are allowing and creating.

As you live in higher light and higher consciousness, you naturally know that ALL LIFE MATTERS and is significant. You become aware as if you have always known, that this significance is innate and underlies everything.

And, although it may not be articulated within you, consciously, we wish to point out that alongside this knowing, is the underlying truth that it is, in fact, this great diversity that empowers the richness of your world and of Life in general.

We would go further and say about each and every expression of the Infinite Divine Oneness: All Life Matters. All Life has value and worth and meaning, and every aspect of Life compliments, enhances, enriches, and is essential. There are no mistakes. Everything works together and in this expansive composition, the underlying harmony, can be tapped into and felt, by each and every expression of Life, and to tap into this underlying harmony? You simply be yourself. Fully and freely.

So dear hearts, rest in this knowing.

Know that everything that is, serves the greater wholeness and is the ongoing composition, stimulates creativity and desire, ideas and inspiration, and expands the possibilities for LIFE.

Contrast serves you. Diversity serves you, and both are increasing, and this is beneficial to All Life.

The eternal you, the soul, your Divine Self — who you eternally are — is inviolable. Cannot be violated and is not diminished by any experience you have in your human life. So this might be something you also take to heart. And allow yourselves to know. As you do so, you will have a bit more detachment about the experiences you have on Earth. And understand that any experience can trigger emotions and thoughts and ideas and elicit even strong feelings from you, while the REAL YOU, at the core of your being, only benefits from any experiences. And if you choose, you can too, align with seeing everything as potentially happening for you.

Your Divine Self — who you truly are, “takes the bounce,” from any and all experiences. Using them to expand into more clarity about what you prefer and to summon more of those preferences to you.

As you align within, feeling for inner harmony and good feeling emotional states and the thoughts and perspectives that engender these, you embrace the expansion of your experience, align with who you’ve become, and allow what you prefer to flow into your experience.

It really is as simple as that. So it is true, in your world, this amazing realm of focus in which the spectrum of diversity is the broadest ever of anywhere in Creation, that the variety serves you and continually creates more clarity and these experiences expand All That Is.

If you would relate to this time, knowing this, centering in it and focusing upon your joy, trusting that everything is serving you and All That IS, you will find that you feel more and more clear and true and can allow greater and greater increases in frequency along with well-being. You will find as you align with the higher possibilities and expect things to go your way, that you are increasingly capable of being purely present, flowing, and feeling your own harmonics, and these energies will feel good to you — natural, ease-filled, exquisite even. For you will be nourishing yourself deeply with a pure flow of your own harmonics and light.

As you are aligned with YOU, you soar. You freely ascend. Your energy hums. Your vibe is high. Your emotions are also higher in frequency and you feel a sense of ease and naturalness in your very being. You feel clear, true, powerful, confident, easy-going, happy, natural, connected, capable, etcetera….all the good things you love to feel!

This is how we wish for each of you to discover yourselves more fully: by lining up with all that you’ve become and allowing the flow of energy and light and information from All That You Are, to flow freely and be expressed freely and authentically, as you are inclined to express yourself.

Beautiful One — you matter and your joy matters! The world needs the harmonic coherence of your true self, embodied here. And you allow this by feeling for that which brings you into joy. And as you do, you affirm and empower All Life to do the same. You create a momentum of divine embodiment and divine expression, which are expressions of the exaltation of this Earth realm and humanity, which you came here to help create.

It is through you being YOU, more than ever before, and daring to trust in this, daring to believe you can and will be supported in this, that you find your innate abundance becoming your experience. And through being more and more aligned with YOU, you will find your expanded flow and become a living, breathing demonstration of the ease, joy, peace, harmony, well-being, and abundance of your eternal self.

The promise of alignment and expanded flow is tremendous exhilarating joy, over and over and over again. Joy as interest. Joy as pleasure. Joy as happiness. Joy as a feeling of freedom. Joy as passion. Joy as enthusiasm. Joy as feeling blessed! Joy as openness and positive expectation. Joy as emotional stability. Joy as well-being. Joy as exquisite satisfaction. Joy as peacefulness. Joy as ease.

What an amazing thing to realize you are free to choose this. And then? To do so. Often. Regularly. Without guilt, shame, self-doubt, or any concern about what others think, or how they will feel as you radiant this intensity of pleasure and confidence.

In this way, the light within you shines so very brilliantly and so completely — as you align with who you truly are. For all that you are dwells in radiant joy. And as you align with this, you feel it and flow it and express it and become multidimensionally ONE with who you truly are.

As you remember all of this and your reason for being here and in that knowing dare to align within and flow with the light and energy of All That You Are, you affirm this pathway and make it more accessible to others.

And the shift of the ages happening now, on Earth and in this Universe and Beyond is empowered by this very pathway.

We hold you in our sights with great love for all you are and all you are becoming and creating and allowing and expressing, here.

It is our honor to be part of this co-creation by sharing these messages with you.

May you feel the brilliant, radiant beauty of your being, more and more each day. And may it embolden you to create what you are most excited by, to allow your greatest joy, over and over again, and in doing so? Encourage each other to do the same.

We are anticipating many, many, many emanating fields of brilliant, influential, luminous embodied light as you align within and allow the true Self to shine with freedom and ease and naturalness and fun. For the pleasure and joy of it!

We love you so very much.

We are complete.

I AM Archangel Michael with Ailia, Ashira, the Golden Galactic Dragons, and the Council of Radiant Light.

We bid you, a most wonderful day.