The Galactic Reunion

The Galactic Reunion

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

You are activating a timeline in which divine truth is to be heard world wide.

Divine order restored.

The starships of the Galactic Federation are to decloak.

What is to take place is a reunion like no other.

Divine love is to overwhelm the hearts of humanity. For what has been prophecised even in the celestial realms, is to become reality.

Stay pure in intent, remain in your heart center, and keep your focus on what it is that you want to experience.

Do not give your energy to things that may not benefit you or the path that you have chosen.

If you are reading these words, you have chosen ascension. And not only is your current lifetime your last in the Third Dimension, in truth there is very little time left for you in the current reality.

This is it.

You are returning to to the Galactic Federation, and your own starship.

You are returning to your full divinity.

You are returning Home.

Many await your arrival, and for you to share your stories, experiences, and wisdom that you’ve gathered while being a part of the most exciting journey on Earth.

You truly stand on the cusp of the new era of light.