Controlled Demolition

Controlled Demolition

By RawEgg | Source

Controlled demolition: there’s no other way to describe what’s been happening with immigration for the last three-and-a-half years.

Hopefully my good friend Noor Bin Ladin won’t mind me borrowing the title of her forthcoming book, but I can’t think of a better phrase. The US is being destroyed with immigration and it’s deliberate. The country is falling like a tower rigged with explosives placed at key structural points…

It’s fair to say that this election, like 2016 and 2020, is an immigration election, but the stakes now are so much higher. Mass immigration really does feel like an existential threat to America, in a way that it didn’t eight or even four years ago, despite the graphs and the dire projections and the chants of “build that wall.”

Mass immigration is an existential threat to America.

In recent weeks, the news has been dominated by the plight of the residents of Springfield, Ohio and Aurora, Colorado. Both of these small cities have been changed irretrievably by the absurd numbers of people entering the country legally and illegally. Nobody really can say exactly how many, which pretty much tells you everything you need to know. Donald Trump uses the figure of 21 million, and even the mainstream media uses figures well in excess of ten million.

Springfield, a city of less than 60,000, fell on hard times in the 1980s with the decline of manufacturing, and then the opioid crisis hit, compounding the misery and creating a new form of human wreckage that’s strewn across the length and breadth of the nation, from the poor communities of Appalachia to Ohio and the Rust Belt. The Biden-Harris “solution” to this problem wasn’t to bring back jobs for the local residents and invest in education, but instead to ship in large numbers of foreigners in an attempt to “revive” local industry. 20,000 Haitians, to be precise, or a third of the original population of the city. Local businessmen benefitted, naturally, from the cheap dependent labour, and so did local landlords, who charge the Haitians by the bed rather than the rental unit. Even the city’s mayor is in on that scam, it seems. As for the native people of Springfield, they’ve been ejected from their homes, forced to compete with the newcomers to access public services that simply can’t cope with the numbers of people now using them, and made to feel unsafe in their own communities by people who don’t understand how to drive properly, who sexually harass their children and eat their pets.

In Aurora, the incomers are Venezuelans rather than Haitians, but the effects have been just as disastrous. The influx has brought with it Tren de Aragua, a gang described by one US official as “MS-13 on steroids.” The gang have taken over apartment buildings and housing blocks, openly wielding rifles and pistols as they seek to expand their bases of operations for drug- and people-trafficking. Just think about that for a moment: a Latin American drug gang operating as brazenly on US soil as if they were back home in some sh*t-soaked favela. Locals are terrified. Of course they are.

The focus on these cities has been intensely personal. We’ve seen the exhausted faces of locals and heard their terrible stories. We’ve also seen the regime and its lapdogs in the mainstream media do their very best to discredit the testimony of those brave, exasperated people, and to accuse the Trump campaign and right-wingers of racism.

The danger, when the focus is so personal—two communities, individuals—is that we lose sight of the bigger picture. I suspect that’s exactly what the regime and the mainstream media would like to happen. The lurid stories of cat-eating, in particular, have served as a clear distraction from the main issue, which isn’t animal welfare or the native cuisine of Haiti.

Thankfully, we had new figures this week to remind us of the true scale of this Biden-Harris nightmare. In a report sent to Congressman Tony Gonzalez, ICE revealed that an army of criminals—and I mean that literally, an army—has been released into the US since 2021.

The figures are staggering: 13,000 murderers, 15,000 rapists and 425,000 convicted criminals have been apprehended and then released into the US pending future court dates.

13,000 murderers.

15,000 rapists.

425,000 convicted criminals.

These people are out there now, doing God knows what. The federal government certainly doesn’t know what they’re up to. Nor does it seem to care.

Instead of apprehending, holding and then deporting these people, as would have happened under Donald Trump, the Biden-Harris regime has chosen to speed up processing at the border and allow migrants to enter the US and go where they will.

What’s worse, these numbers only represent migrants who were apprehended then released. According to Fox’s Bill Melugin, nearly two million “got-aways”—migrants who evaded apprehension by Border Patrol—have crossed the border since 2021.

On Friday, Kamala Harris had the gall to visit the border in Arizona and stage a photo op with Border Patrol. She went on to a campaign event in Douglas where she blasted Donald Trump and said he was the one responsible for America’s immigration crisis. There was a bipartisan bill and he killed it.

“It was the strongest border security bill we have seen in decades. It was endorsed by the Border Patrol union. And it should be in effect today, producing results in real time, right now, for our country,” Harris said.

“But Donald Trump tanked it. He picked up the phone and called some friends in Congress and said, ‘Stop the bill.’ He prefers to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. And the American people deserve a president who cares more about border security than playing political games and their personal political future.”

Kamala Harris’s entire campaign has been predicated on inducing a kind of collective amnesia in Americans, making them think she hasn’t been Vice President since 2021, that she wasn’t made “border czar” by the President and that she doesn’t bear responsibility, in any way, for the failures of the current administration. She’s a newcomer to this sticky situation, but don’t worry: she’s got ideas and she’ll sort it out. That’s what her vapid slogan, “A New Way Forward,” is supposed to mean.

The Border Patrol Union, at least, were having none of it. On Friday night, they hit back on Twitter.

“Vice president Harris has ignored the border problem she created for over three years,” Tweeted the Union’s official account.

“She goes down there for 20 minutes for a photo op and decides to repeat some of the things the NPBC has said before. But again, where has she been the last 3 1/2 years?”

We know exactly where Kamala Harris has been: in the White House, with Joe Biden, presiding over this catastrophic betrayal of the American people.

At a town hall in Michigan on Friday, Donald Trump said, “There’s no greater act of disloyalty than to extinguish the sovereignty of your own nation.” He’s right. What Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have done is a unique act of disloyalty to America, without precedent in the nation’s history.

They are traitors, plain and simple.