The Oversoul Collective via Galaxygirl, June 12th, 2018

Oversoul Collective 6/12/18
We are the Oversoul Collective. You, precious humans, are us having a unique experience as the seeding of conscious expands ever outward and upward. It is difficult for our energies to be contained within these words. But perhaps breathe in and sit back, and be comfortable and allow them into you.
We are of the higher dimensions, above your higher selves. As our Arcturian friends have said truly yes, we are you. You are an aspect of us. All is consciousness ever experiencing the cosmic dance of oneness. Can you remember the stars forming? We remember your first cosmic breath of birth from within us. For we are a part of you and you are our eyes and ears on ascending Gaia.
Each of you has an oversoul. We are a collective of collectives, a cosmic consciousness of the 10th – 12th dimensions, and we hear and we see all that is transpiring in this grand moment of your now, fraught with change and turmoil, with an underlying movement of peace. For it is the destiny of the human collective to experience oneness fully, as this was the original intent. You are
Just so as you are within your own body made up of trillions of your own cells that belong to you, it is similar with us. We are group consciousness housing many souls of pure light who wish for experience apart from this pureness of
Many changes are coming, and we say this lovingly with great anticipation for our aspects embodied, for much joy is well underway and much excitement in the reunions. We welcome you to connect with your own oversoul family in your deep meditations. It is time humanity for this re-connection of oneness for your individual soul group and the oversoul of the human collective. All is energy in various forms of creation. Your scientists are but beginning to understand. Great discoveries are looming on the horizon.
We send you our love and