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Inverential Peace beloveds, I Am Commander Ashtar Sheran. I know that they wanted to get in touch with me and the entire Ashtar Command team. Yes, we are very active in the skies of the planet. There are the Commandos, those who are in service to the orders of the planetary Hierarchy for the ascension process, to the orders of the terrestrial Hierarchy and of Father Mother Adonai.
We are here in your skies. Yesterday they could see the great manifestation in the sky. They saw the ring, that Solar Ring, for there was the Great Ship, the New Jerusalem towards the Temple in the Valleys of ERKS. There he was wrapping the Temple in all that powerful and magnificent radiation, wrapping all the Valleys of ERKS too.
We know that there have been important demonstrations from all elements in all areas of the Valleys, of this state. We have also provided assistance to many light beings who have been victims, who have been victims of many attacks by negative forces. Beings of Light that have come seeking to settle in these Valleys by the inner calling of their Being. We have done a deep cleansing. We’ve done a whole area-wide breakdown.
Conditions at the planetary level as you know, are quite rough. Volcanoes, the elements, the water, the wind, the earth, everything, everything is very moving my beloved. We are in His presence in the heavens of His planet. Every day they arrive and more assistance arrives, each time they see us with greater force in their heavens.
We are very close to the big event where we are going to make ourselves visible in a massive way and establish the great contact that both you and us have longed for, with all humanity. Humanity needs to open the heart and open itself to our existence. They have to see us as brothers we come to assist them, to help them. We understand that everyone works and is responsible for their internal process, for their ascension.
But at the planetary level, at the system level, at the galactic level, we have to provide assistance and support, because this is what governs the worlds, to the laws established by Father Mother for every Cosmic Community. We have to help them, because they can’t do it alone.
Next and maybe, not this year, your year that we are connecting with you directly. Ships of all casts, Ships of all types, of all appearances, of all degrees of subtlety are being seen in the skies of the planet. We tell you all to have confidence. There are very positive changes happening at the planet level.
We have almost every negative force outside the planet. We have control over all planetary systems. We are in large and powerful meetings.
We are the Galactic beings meeting directly with the Great Leaders of the World’s governments. The beloved Master El Morya has taken this baton and we have attended it. I have particularly participated in a few meetings with these leaders, taking on a less subtle body than the one I currently have. I’ve been seen in my structure. They know, they know who I am.
We are boosting all this planetary change. Already at the level of terrestrial structures, very important initiatives are being taken to make the change. We already have control over the Earth systems. We’re going to give it time for all of these, to finish fading and come out.
All these dark forces we know that they will pay and they will pay, because the Disclosure will be made and all their evils will come to light, all the negative control they have maintained over the planet, all their misdeeds taking over the resources of the planet, which were for everyone, taking them exclusively for them.
All of this, this control phase will end. Soon you’ll see how more availability of all resources is within the reach of all. Above all, everything related to life, everything necessary for the sustenance that one deserves as a human being on the planet.
You already know that we have broken into the Vatican’s facilities and they have only a few months left for that vile institution. People are already understanding and understanding not to follow traditions, religions, dogmas, impositions, doctrines of men.
Spirituality is not a religion. Spirituality is the Universal cosmic connection of all beings on the planet and the universe, with all universal light consciousness. That is spirituality, the connection to the authentic, true reality, to the truth that lies within you as children of Father Mother Adonai. That spirituality is blossoming in many. They are starting to understand and comprehend the whole plot they were exposed to for so many years, all that negative plot.
This humanity is waking up. So many are already removing and tearing up all those cobwebs that were not allowed to see. They are opening their hearts, truth is blossoming in their hearts, awakening is coming and coming for all. All energies are in favor of this great awakening.
Here we are also helping, radiating the energy of our Ships for all mankind, to help this whole energetic process that envelops not only the planet, but this entire system. The sun as you know, is very active, very active, sending a lot of plasma, a lot of coronal mass is being released from the sun.
Beloved, remember that we have very close the big red planet, Hercobolus, many call it in different ways, the big asteroid, the planet Nibiru, whatever you want to call it, but we are under this influence. The planetary situation is becoming increasingly unstable for mankind to be accustomed to, but it is in a profound process of transforming the earth and all of humanity.
Everyone stay calm, everyone have the confidence that we are here, and that soon we will manifest to all of us.
Also in a great bang in the heavens, you will see the arrival of the Great Sananda and his Entourage. Be patient, you have to take steps. We’re not long for this big outcome.
Beloveds, confidence that even now the negative forces are cornered in what little space they had left of control. With the new Northern Leader there are other winds blowing over the planet. Although they may seem like sometimes crazy decisions, this being works and receives instructions from the Commandos for the benefit of all humanity.
We always talk, that the northern country would help in this whole process as a leader had emerged globally, but now this leadership is transforming in favor of the transformation process towards the light that this planet is living.
Well my beloved, I say goodbye, I hug you, see you soon.
Peace inverential, I am Commander Ashtar Sheran.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -29/01/2025