A Message from JFK via Losha, August 3d, 2018

Channeled by Losha
August 3, 2018
Message from JFK
Greetings, my dearest Patriots. This one heard me in her mind, and she was correct that I am desiring to give you a “
I can see that you are all having a challenging time right now. Even though life on Earth has always been challenging, it is exceedingly so, at this particular moment in time. I send you all my thoughts for Love, Light
The energy waves that are originating from the galaxy around you, are indeed very strong right now…they are tossing each of you around as if you are a ship on a stormy sea. I am hesitant to say this, but it is better to be forthright than to ignore such situations, is it not? Well, I need to say that there are going to still be very challenging moments, for a bit longer.
I am so very pleased to see
Hence, I suppose I should begin my rah, rah speech, eh? Let me begin by saying that I am so very blessed to be able to put my eyes upon all of the good that you Truth Keepers are doing…it is so very humbling and energizing at the same time. Please continue to follow your heart, as your heart is your true compass in life…your “north star”, if you will, to guide you home… just as the saying, “home is where the heart is”…well, that statement just came full circle, did it not? (smiling)
However, there is so much more
I intended to make this message short and sweet, and so it shall be. Please know that you have a multitude of guiding angels, galactic family, and higher beings who are always available to you, should you ever ask. I too, am always listening and watching over you all…please remember that. You are loved more than you know, and your hearts are guiding you, always, in the right direction.
You are in MY heart,
Your beloved, JFK.
A note from Losha: This was my fourth channeled message from JFK. After receiving this message, I apologized to him because I felt I wasn’t “hearing” the more formal words he usually uses…and he said that was because he isn’t using them as much, now. He felt very lighthearted and joyful, today. It was a wonderful feeling I received from him!