Mike Quinsey's Higher Self MessageSource: TreeOfTheGoldenLight ~~ January 20, 2017 |
You should all now have a reasonable idea as to how the future will work out. The timing of events is not rigid but quite flexible, and based on the best opportunity to bring the changes about. They will come without any doubt so do not be concerned if the timing does not match your expectations. Those who have planned your end times have the power and authority to do whatever is necessary to ensure completion in accordance with the end of this cycle. You are already experiencing yet another period of time speeding up and so it will continue. Do not allow outer happenings to affect your own journey, as many groups are going through their own needs to clear their lower energies that must be done if they are to have any chance of lifting up their vibrations. Those who cannot move up with the changes will simply follow another path that is in accordance with their needs. Some of you are waiting for the changes in certain currencies that may bring you a great gain. Most people are unaware of such opportunities, but are assured that before long many more currencies will rise in value. Eventually it is planned to abolish poverty or need, and in reality it is not that far away. Meantime many will struggle through the changes but hopefully will be uplifted knowing that all is progressing well. Your future is very bright and for most beyond their wildest dreams. So keep your eyes on the promises for the future, knowing that in reality it is fully assured and protected to ensure your success. The dark Ones can no longer keep their activities secret, and slowly but surely their actions are being revealed which is preventing them from being escalated. They had thought they were invincible, but reckoned without the support that Humanity is being given by those who have come from outside of your Solar System. You are far from fighting a losing battle and when the Forces of Light show their hand victory is assured. You would be amazed if you knew how many Beings of Light oversee your activities, and as far as karma permits are helping you to achieve the victory that you have been promised. Much of the activity and battles between the dark Ones and the Forces of Light is out of your sight, occurring both inside and outside of the Earth. |
Fortunately those who work for the Light greatly outnumber those of the dark Ones who oppose them. As you will certainly know, the Lightworkers quietly contribute to the spreading of the Love and Light and in no way introduce devious or negative methods. Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe and the vibrations of evil are unable to destroy it or exist in its presence. So dear friends of Light never falter in your work to spread the Light, and you will be achieving considerably much more than you can imagine. If sufficient people were to come together in a high vibration of love, all would be lifted up immediately beyond the reaches of the dark Ones. As souls who are of the Light, you can spread it far and wide simply by walking amongst those who are around you. Depending on how high your vibrations are, you will have some effect on them that in some instances can be felt. Certainly you at least give out a “feel good” energy which is why people like to be around you. Your auric energy can have many colours, that when seen by a clairvoyant are described as very pure and bright. That is how one who is giving out the love energy would be described. Auras are your undeniable light “signature” that shows how well and how far you have developed spiritually. There are few if any who read such channeling who are unaware that you have an etheric body, and it is your Light body that is sometimes known as your Light signature. The purer the energy the more spiritual you are and that does not necessarily mean in a religious sense. It is the gradual understanding when an evolved soul will see all others as a part of the whole and therefore All as One. It is the realisation that all are a facet of Universal Love, “you are me and I am you”. It is a goal to be achieved and to be One with God. It is certainly a lot to contemplate yet through such understanding one can find complete peace. It is worth great consideration and capable of lifting you up into the higher vibrations. |
Life is a continual search for the Truth and most souls seek the answers outside of themselves, yet all of the time it lies within. It may take time to come to that conclusion, and acceptance will come as all roads lead to the One Truth. It will take time to find the answers that satisfy your longing for such an understanding, and all souls will at some stage follow such a path to full understanding. All along the way are those who offer a helping hand when it is needed, and ask for nothing in return. Their joy and happiness lies within having helped another soul along its journey to find the way home. When you are ready to venture out you will know beyond doubt, and surge ahead into the next stage of your adventure. Many, many souls have gone before you and the pathway is in place that leads to fulfillment. It will bring utter joy and a love that knows no parallel. The pain and misery that you have experienced will pass and it will feel strange as you came from the higher realms and dropped into the realm of duality to help show others the way forward. In your quiet moments you will absolutely know that you are not your body, but a beautiful soul that has taken an incarnation in the lower vibrations to help others. Because of it you have gained more experience and are able to understand the nature of physical life and can help others complete their journey. Service to others is the keyword to evolution as you recognise that All are One. In a world so full of turmoil and danger it is difficult to see the way out and step onto a path that leads to peace and happiness, but that is the way it is when the old ways are reluctant to go and make way for the new. However, so many souls have found the Light and their combined energy is helping others to become awake to the truth. |
Time is continuing to speed up so make sure you are prepared for Ascension that is coming very near, and will be within most of your lifetimes. You should know by now how much you have evolved and whether you are on course to ascend. Keep looking straight ahead and let nothing take away your focus. Help is always with you so call on your Guides any time you need assistance, and be assured that it will be given. It may not be exactly what you asked for but will help solve your problems. Share your thoughts with your Guides as they enjoy being part of your life experiences. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. In Love and Light. Please send any questions and/or comments to Mike at ~~ |
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