Commander Vrillon: Observing Gaia

Commander Vrillon: Observing Gaia

Greetings Humans,

I am Vrillon from the Ashtar Galactic Command, and I am speaking today to your race on behalf of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters.

The Galactic Light Forces received an emergency alert from the Star System called Xenodra, where two planets were in a desperate need of our assistance Kripta and Nozera were on the verge of extinction caused by seismic activities inside the cores of their planets. Ashtar send a team of scientists, who overcame similar challenges in a faraway Universe. They stabilized the two planets and saved the civilizations. The scientists prevented from cracking in half of Kripta and Nozera from pressure buildup inside.

Fortunately, our main scientist, famous in your world as Nikola Tesla invented the stabilizers, which got inserted deep inside of the both cores. Miraculously this technology worked and prevented apocalyptic events on both Kripta and Nozera. The emergency alert has been lifted, and the two worlds and Galactic civilizations are not in danger anymore. The Earth’s situation is very different, humanity has a conflict between Light and Darkness.

We are always closely observing Mother Gaia to make sure that nothing negative unexpectedly happens on your planet. Recently, an event took place that was described as a bright green meteor was seen flashing across the night skies in Istanbul, Turkey leaving a trail of bright sparks, as it moved across the horizon. This is not accurate information. Ashtar send another shuttle to test the ability of landing in your 3D reality in case of emergency. The shuttle ship was again empty without any beings inside.

It was self controlled by consciously aware spaceship, which is alive. This time we didn’t cloak the spacecraft on purpose, we wanted for humankind to see it. The starship scattered into pieces before reaching the ground. These type of tests are important for us; we want to learn and observe on how our technology works in 3D.

One more topic we want to address today, we never thought it would be necessary. A big enough part of the human population in 2024, still thinks and believes that the Earth is flat. This nonsense came from the Dark Entities to confuse humans and slowdown the advancement of science based on a false claim. We see your planet everyday and you need to believe us, it’s round like your soccer ball. Just imagine on what would happen to Mother Earth, if it were flat, the gravity wouldn’t work, the poles would be imbalanced, the oceans wouldn’t stay and etc.

A planet needs to be round to rotate and spin in a circle in order to be able to exist in space. A flat Earth would immediately collapse in outer space. Also, if Gaia were flat, you would have by now heard about many accidents in the air by planes and ships in the oceans of running into some kind of a wall or planes flying of the planet and ships falling of the edge, as Mother Gaia would not be round, which means there would be a wall or an edge at south, north, east and west of the planet. This never happened.

Also, AI continues to expand in your world. The first factory in China was built to make smartphones by Artificial Intelligence with no humans working inside. Producing one phone every 3 seconds, 24/7. The Darkness is not going to come to its senses, until it gets eliminated permanently from Earth. The Corrupted Souls can’t handle being exposed, they loose their confidence and act foolishly. Divine continues to remove them without giving them any possibility of ever to reincarnate again. Open yourself to receive Divine Truth, Spiritual Power and Supreme Love. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Be Prepared for the Unexpected
