In which dimension do I live? -From 3D, 4D to 5D- Dimensions explained

The third-dimensional reality is what we call the matrix. This matrix is a reality built under the construct of information. This particular matrix-reality is based on a web of lies, misinformation, disinformation, and the complete withholding of information.
What separates and creates different dimensions is the level of frequency they vibrate at.
Feelings create vibrations that change frequencies.
Humans have two feelings, love and fear. Everything else is an emotion that either stems from love or fear.
Love vibrates on a much higher frequency compared to fear.
What is the difference between people vibrating on either one of these two frequencies?
A person that vibrates on the frequency of love does not experience frustration, depression, hurt, trauma, disease, poverty, etc. And even the aging process is slowed down in this reality.
But the matrix reality of our third-dimensional world is created to vibrate on the frequency of fear.
This planet's leaders have strategically implemented a plethora of technological, psychological, emotional, and physical measurements of frequency control.
They have successfully managed that every human being on earth free-willingly placed the greatest mind-control device into their homes. TV is the greatest weapon of mind-control of the mass population. Mind controlling TV tells a vision with one devious goal: to control thoughts and create emotions that follow an artificially established narrative that serves the agenda of those whose power over humanity is coming to an end.
TV, newspaper, and radio are largely responsible for constructing a false reality that has infiltrated the human species' minds.
Within the 3D reality, people are ruled by their beliefs. When history is distorted, changed, hidden, you, as a race, stay uninformed, and without information, you're not able to change your vibration.
When you want to control the masses, you create the illusion of separation. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. Man-made religions, prophets, and false gods further serve the agenda to create belief-systems that separate one race from another.
Information is light. Without it, one is not able to evolve and is stuck in darkness.
But all of humanity carries the divine spark of Christ consciousness within their beings. And one certain event can trigger this spark of divinity. Thus, light enters the body, and the frequency changes.
Through emotions, we access the spiritual body. Often times, emotional experiences can lead to spiritual experiences, which change the belief system. When accessing or just touching the spirit realms, an inevitable transformation begins that is unstoppable.
For example, a man-made disease rushes like waves over the entire planet, threatening our very existence as a species to the very core. And since we are living in a matrix that is built under the construct of fear, the Mainstream media devices and outlets of mass mind control will create a narrative that pushes the feelings of fear to unprecedented extremes for the entire world population.
But the Mother Goddess of Earth is ascending, shifting in frequency, and making a new vibratory level of information accessible to those who are ready to receive those light codes carried by this new frequency.
And suddenly, those individuals start questioning the narrative.
At first, people go into panic mode, but those who have had the slightest spiritual experiences during their lifetime soon begin to wonder whether this is all real and leave room for the possibility that the narrative broadcasted by the mainstream media may possibly be fabricated to serve an agenda.
When a person starts to question the world leaders, governments, the mainstream media, and the course of events, they are on their way to exit the matrix reality.
Questions require research, and with it, new information is accessed, and more light enters the being. A shift on the vibratory level occurs that elevates you into the higher frequency of the fourth-dimensional reality.
4D offers different stages of evolution. At first, you will lose yourself. You start understanding that the beliefs you held onto until this moment we’re forced on you by serving you misinformation, disinformation, and the complete withholding of information.
An awakening begins, and you understand that reality it’s not what you were taught to believe. And while you research and enlighten yourself with the truth, you are sent out on a journey of finally finding yourself. Now you discover that you are much more powerful than allowed and brainwashed to even dare thinking.
But who wants to ascend in frequency must descend first. And so, when you discover the hidden evil of this world, fear will come over you as you have never experienced before.
Once you arrive at this point in your individual evolution and ascension, you must not submit to fear. Accept the challenge and take ownership of your mind. Accept responsibility for your choices and elevate your consciousness. Understand that you and you alone are in charge of your life now.
In our universe where free will is the highest galactic-codex, you have been manipulated to consent to your ruler's abuse of power. By not giving up and being courageous enough to face the truth and look the evil of this world in the eye, you are revoking that consent.
Your Ability to hold light is directly proportional to your willingness to look at darkness.
Once light is there, There’s no more going back. And you have transformed into a higher version of your former self.
But the fourth-dimensional reality is a tricky gateway to 5D.
If you allow the feeling of disempowerment into your being and allow yourself to feel overwhelmed by the truth, then chances are high that you will not make it out of the third-dimensional matrix. And day-to-day drama, frustration, depression will continue.
There’s no happy ending possible to a life lived in fear mode and unconsciousness.
Your task is to hold light and help destroy the control system, disempowerment, and abuse of power.
You have prayed for this. Now you must prepare for it.
In the fourth dimensional reality, you follow the white rabbit all the way down the rabbit hole. You are confronted with mind-boggling information, and you must utilize all of your fear-based emotions to access your spiritual body.
Establish a sense of equilibrium and harmony within your being against all odds. Train yourself to incorporate the various methods and techniques which elevate your frequency away from fear towards love.
This must be done on a quantum level, including the body, the mind, the emotions, and the spirit.
On a physical level, you must start by detoxing the body. This can be done by eating a raw vegan diet for a certain period of time. Depending on different factors such as your weight, level of toxicity you hold in the body, or apparent health issues, It is recommended to stick to a raw vegan diet for four weeks and up to three months.
On a mental level, there is no way around meditation practice. You should be meditating for a minimum of 20 minutes per day. You can do so simply by following guided meditations on YouTube or just sitting in a comfortable position, focusing on your breath, and telling your thoughts to come back and visit you later. Breathe in love and breathe out everything else.
On an emotional level, you will find the greatest healer when you connect to mother earth. Go out and spend time in nature daily, walk with your bare feet on the ground for 20 minutes each day. Appreciate the beauty and abundance of mother nature, expressing your gratitude to Her and sending blessings to the earth, the plant, and animal kingdoms. When you go into a park, touch the leaves of a plant, and bless them. The flowers and trees communicate with each other they will see your intentions are pure, and they will, in return, bestow you with infinite blessings and healing.
It is the disconnect from the Mother of Creation that is the root cause of emotional trauma and the underlying sense of abandonment within the human race.
Know that your intentions are the first step of any manifestation process. Allow your spirit to thrive by expanding your conscious awareness. Do this by becoming conscious of your thoughts and, most importantly, your intentions.
When you want something, ask yourself what your intentions are and whether they are based on love, authenticity, integrity, or emotions that stem from fear.
The more you elevate your conscious awareness and make everything you do, think, or speak based on unconditional love for yourself and all of creation, you will keep moving closer to the fifth-dimensional reality, Heaven on Earth.
To access 5D must lose your ego (mind-lie=fear) first. Love is the only truth. There is no teaching higher than this.
The fifth-dimensional reality is the frequency that carries the vibration of unconditional love. This is the highest frequency of all that is accessible on planet earth. In this reality, fear does not and cannot exist. In 5D, we experience pure unconditional love in all its expressions and manifestations.
This is the great evolution of humankind. This is the divine plan. Peace, harmony, compassion, indestructible health, abundance, freedom, oneness, and love for the self, humanity, and earth.
This is the journey you have chosen to experience within this lifetime’s incarnation.
Welcome to the greatest event in the history of our entire universe- the conscious evolution and ascension of an entire race.
The old world is ending, making space for the new earth.
From dark to light.
Highest blessings of divine light & love to all,
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation | Emissary of The Goddess