Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young, September 20th, 2018

Posted at 11:50h
As you continue to grow and expand into living your biggest, most beautiful life expression, old belief systems that stand in the way of where your soul wishes to go will come up for release. The one we would like to discuss today is, “Enjoy yourself while you are still young”.
While it may initially seem like good advice, it is filled with undercurrents that are extremely limiting. It plants and feeds the idea that you can only have fun or live an exciting life at one stage of your life, that enjoyment is fleeting and will slip away from you as you mature. We see so many of you reach adulthood and immediately relegate joy to the bottom of your list of priorities in order to step into what you think is the acceptable model of maturity.
Dear Ones,
We invite you to examine your beliefs about adulthood and fun. What haven’t you tried that you have always wanted to? How do you deny yourself to
Source: Trinity Esoterics