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“ERKS Opens Your Doors for Love and for Peace to All Children of Father Mother Adonai”
It’s like the City was a huge ship anchored at a 7th dimension level. There 7a, 6a, 5a coexist and all beings have expression in all dimensions, which means they have simultaneous existence in all dimensions. We have our brothers from 5th d. they attend the whole city.
They are white, head, eyes, big eyes, have a huge heart, they attend the entire Hierarchy and everyone.
In ERKS there are also expressions in the 8th and 9th dimension. All levels that coexist on planetary level are in ERKS. All beings can communicate in all dimensions, but each performs work in specific dimensions.
The Brothers of the Ships usually seen in the skies, are Brothers of the 5ad. that densify the Vessels for patrolling, observation, protection. There are also Brothers who are Merkabas who can visualize them, they already have their own vehicles that manifest themselves to certain people. Specifically, you Emanuel and Pastora have already seen these beings.
And every night the skies are populating with more ships and more beings.
This whole internal part starts an ascension process. Beings start to walk at surface level. Because the dimensions are already interchanging, interfering with each other and the time will come, when they will be together in these ERKS Valleys, the coexistence in both worlds.
Remember that the new earth will not only be 5a, 6a, 7a will coexist and there will also be beings in 8a and 9a. They are frequency levels, frequency bands in which they will be able to move.
There is a great expansion from the inside out right now. Everything will be changing all the physiomy of the surface, so much energy will be subtilized that many beings will leave or move from these Valleys because the frequency becomes more and more intense. But in turn, great beings will be summoned and drawn from other places in Argentina itself, and from other countries of the planet to come to this place.
This place is being prepared to host all those coming beings, all those beings drawn by their inner being, by that calling and also fleeing from all the strong transmutations that will begin to move the planet.
Here is a safe place, very safe and therefore all places where there is an Underground City, at surface level will be a safe place to stay.
Beloved I tell you, that ERKS will ascend and you will see the Majesty of this beautiful City of Light, where we will be and coexist with the surface and with whom we currently inhabit this inner world of ERKS.
Here will be the meeting, the great meeting of all the Seeds, of all those Beings that will come here. ERKS opens its doors for love and for peace, to all the children of Father Mother Adonai.
The time will come when they won’t know if they are surface level or they are underground level, because everything will merge and compact into one.
Beloved I am leaving, this was the information I brought you.
I am Witaicom of the Hierarchy of ERKS, sent blessings to all, and all the Love from the Brothers of ERKS
(Witaicom is the Highest Hierarch of ERKS the City of Light.)
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 25/11/2024