Galactic Council: Veils of Illusion Falling
We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Beloved One, at this time, you are able to choose your desired reality more deliberately than ever.
The veils of Illusion are falling fast, as your heart is opening to your inherent Divinity.
Your Divine Inner Being is made of Divine Love.
The opposite of Love is Fear.
Oftentimes, humans are hiding their true Divine Self of Divine Love, by cloaking themselves in fear.
What are these layers of fear based on?
Fear is based on the Illusion of the Ego Mind that you are mortal, which is incorrect.
Loss of Love is equated with a version of dying.
Therefore, the fear of losing love is the driving force to “protect” yourself.
Sometimes, this is more obvious. Sometimes, it is more subtle.
Sometimes, it is about love from others, love for yourself and ultimately, the Love of Source/God.
Once you recognize, that this fear is your Ego Mind and not real, you can begin to allow your true Divine Self to come out of hiding.
You can choose to drop the layers of fear and “protection.”
You can begin to think, feel and act the way Source/God created you:
In the image of God.
Then, you are able to see through the layers of illusion and when someone behaves unloving towards you, you will know that this is just an illusion.
Instead, focus on your Divine Self and look for and find the Divine Self of the other.
Now, your reality will begin to change and the illusion of fear and absence of Love will disappear, to make way for Divine Love.
You are in charge of your experience and what you choose to think, feel and do – no matter the circumstances.
You are more powerful that you think you are.
You are the creator of your reality.
Try to do this for just one day.
Then, for another day.
And, another.
Before you know it, you will enter Heaven on Earth.
Welcome Home!
We are holding the vision of the Divine New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are loved beyond measure.
We are with you… always. We love you.
We are you. Namaste.