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Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Ashtar Sheran, Inverential Peace. I know that for you it is a great reason of joy to connect with me, and it is for me too. They know that the planetary situation has been quite turbulent, and the beloved Archangel Rafael has given him information about the events. I tell you my beloved, we are in a critical planetary process, they are expected in the coming days, weeks, quite strong situations for the planet and in that we are poured so that the impact at the level of the surface population is the least.

Commands have been deployed specializing in geological issues, in the tectonic layers, what they call tectonic faults that are very active and adjusting situations are foreseen, as they could cause large earthquakes. But all that we are working beloved, we are deployed attending. We understand that there may be, but we want to mitigate.

We are their Guardians, their protectors and help them through this process. We are at the service of Father Mother Adonai and this whole universe of light and love. On every planet that requires our assistance, there we will be and mainly this planet that was intervened by forces against the great plan of Father Mother Adonai, who was taken and enslaved.

Now this planet and this system, entered into a process of ascension, and these forces must also get out of the planet, because it is a process of liberation and it wants to liberate all light beings who came on service mission, and who are taken by negative forces.

We have to liberate the planet from all those systems imposed for control and dominance, and we are achieving that my beloved. With the financial system we are ready, for the planet to enter the era of abundance and prosperity for all.

It is necessary to liberate, and these forces reinvent themselves, but it is always our counter attack. Maybe they already feel that their cleverness, their technology, we always surpass it. They have a lot of artificial intelligence, we’ve surpassed it. They have cutting-edge technology, we overcome it and intervene as far as we can.

Beloved, always respect the cosmic laws. We act as far as we are able to act. Already in humanity we cannot interfere in their decisions, if it were up to us, we would tell this humanity, go ahead all to the New Earth. Come on wake up everyone but we can’t do it like that. For we respect free will, which is the law of the whole universe. But if we help, because this intervention made by the dark forces is unprecedented in this system, and when there is this violation, we can intervene, remove them and liberate the planet.

But sometimes it seems that many, prefer to continue under the old control system, feel, comfortable and at ease. They don’t understand and don’t see what awaits the planet. By making this release so many paths open for the prosperity of all, for the new ways of life, existence, universal connection, connection with us, with their galactic brothers as they call us, an exchange that would result in a great progress for the planet and for all the humanity.

But there are many who are still anchored, prisoners of domination, of control, who still do not want to get rid of all those programming, and it is very important. That’s why all this energy is sent, all this caudal of light to go removing those layers of darkness that this humanity carries, removing and healing all memories.

Important my beloved, we make all efforts from outside, so that this humanity gets out of this darkness in their minds, from that control in which they have been subjected. Because they are like the bird that has been caged for so long, suddenly the cage is opened and refuses to come out, does not dare to fly, to new realities, to new adventures.

That’s how many humans are, but the energies are intensified more and more. We are giving them greater tools to break free.

The Mother is doing an intense work, Mahindra the Mother and we are all accompanying her there in those moments to go and help all of this humanity seeking relief, liberation. The planet is also subject to all those energetic forces. This planet that has been so abused by those negative forces that had control.

Such a beautiful planet specially prepared by the high Creative intelligences at the orders of Father Mother Adonai. A planet with so many riches, with so much beauty, with seas, with rivers, with mountains, all of unmatched beauty.

Today with great devastation and pollution produced by their outdated technologies, purposely installed, to make life unsustainable on this planet. Many ecosystems have already died, but we have saved them and planted them in the New Earth, which in splendor and in light, will be something very beautiful, where dark forces will not have room.

For other brothers, we know there is a lot of influence. We are at the end of this cycle, the Nemesis system is very close and closer every day. We have already told you that we have installed many protective systems with our technology, but their effects can already be felt.

Like I tell you Rafael is being influenced by this energy. The earth axis looking for its position. The electromagnetic field is also distorted in many sectors.

Beloved, I say unto you, soon, very soon, this whole process will come to its happy end. Already most of the dark forces have been fought, removed from the planet, the planet is more relieved. But their allies still persist, they are clones, their nefarious artificial intelligence they have here. But their masks are already falling off and we are bringing to light the beloved Athena Shades, all their big lies and all they have done to keep humanity a slave.

Beloved, trust, trust, trust us, your guardians, your Protectors. We are here all Star Commanders to extend to you, to give you a hand. We are here all the planetary, galactic and other systems hierarchy that have come to assist us. It’s not easy to fight those forces, those demons that have rooted in the planet.

I say goodbye my loved ones and I want to tell you that you are always in my heart, if I haven’t come, if I don’t connect you already know, sometimes I sent you other emissaries to give you information. At the moment I have a chance I enter, but we are in the final battle, already in the fight of this whole process of planetary liberation.

I bid farewell, I am Ashtar Sheran, Inverential Peace my beloved.

Emanuel y Pastora – ServiUM

ERKS – 23/09/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar