COMMANDER CANAHOTO OF THE AZUCENA QUANTUM HOSPITAL SHIP. “New Light Technology on the Ship at the service of those who require it”
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Emanuel, was mentioning to Pastora that some systems have been incorporated into the Ship Quantum Hospital Azucena as tracking, it is like a kind of energetic centrifuge that works to make a dynamic elimination of everything that is outside of the frequency, of the vibration in which they should be and have been incorporated at the request of mother, from Mahindra for certain cases.
For cases such as mental illness. Because this system, apart from being like a centrifuge, is a restoration system, of smoothing those systems.
It’s something very novel, that it’s best explained in technical terms, perhaps you wouldn’t understand. He works especially on the subject of mental illnesses such as Alzheimers, senile dementia. Any situation that exists, for example, during the past plandemic that have deteriorated brain systems. It is a special process that is carried out for these beings who have been the subject of the vaccines that were applied to them in the plandemic.
That’s the information, everything is already prepared and ready.
It also works very well for people who are immobilized, quadriplegic, who have some paralyzed or dysfunctional organs. It’s something very special.
Well my beloveds, this is what I was talking about. We are waiting for you at the Quantum Hospital Azucena, those who require to be here, here is the whole Team of Surgeons from the Sky as they call, here we are waiting for you.
Commander Canahoto Ship Quantum Hospital Azucena.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -24/01/2025