The Collective Of Guides Via Caroline Oceana Ryan, January 13th, 2023
The Collective: This Is The Turning Point, The Time Of Rebirth
January 13, 2023

by Caroline Oceana Ryan
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
Today again we speak with our writer, who asks:
COR: My friends, is there a “new normal” that empaths, Starseeds, Light Bringers, and other sensitive beings can tap into now? These energies are so high. The highest that human bodies can withstand, from what I hear.
So many are having trouble sleeping, or they feel exhausted yet wired and stressed throughout the day, as if they are sleepwalking and sort of electrified at the same time.
Is there a new normal in the middle of all this? A new way to be, so that we feel a bit more balanced and reassured, even in the midst of so much happening with extreme weather, armed conflict, economic and political turmoil?
So many are saying, “I thought the fifth dimension was going to be more calm, not less! What is happening?”
And I know you have said that the density is rising to the surface to be released, and this is a good thing, I agree.
But how do we cope in the meantime, when we feel to be between two worlds—the old and the new?
THE COLLECTIVE: We are very glad you have asked this question, as it is indeed highly relevant now.
This is the turning point, the time of Rebirth we have spoken of before.
Yet what makes it quite different from the past, is that you are all working hard to expunge or resolve the old, unhealed places in your own consciousness, as well as in the Earth.
And so you are both patient and nurse in this scenario, and that is extremely demanding.
You are all working very hard in the etheric all the time, both in your sleeping and your waking hours.
Many of you work side-by-side with Angelic and ET forces of Light who may appear to be human outwardly, but who are not.
This work extends to both what you are actively doing in your sleep state, which you do not usually consciously recall upon awakening, and the work you are doing energetically with your presence on the Earth, 24 hours a day.
Many of you are now increasingly performing tasks of your Earth mission in your daily waking hours, not only in terms of energetic resonance but in terms of actual actions taken.
And so you might be moving into an area of work now that entails, for example, healing, transforming, brainstorming, encouraging, counseling, building, teaching, or creating in ways that directly connect to the work you do as you travel both Earth and space in your etheric body each night.
You may be thinking that your Earth mission is unknown to you—a mystery that is not connected to your “real” life, yet it is, and greatly so.
That mission has become exponentially more powerful and expressive over the past year, and particularly these last few months, as the solar flares continue to send powerful Lightwaves forward.
The energies are such that they are awakening in you long-dormant aspects of your DNA that connect you to your Divine creativity, higher insight, and healing and purification of Earth and your own and others’ energies.
And so, you are becoming increasingly aware of intrusions in your energies—beings, energies, influences, toxins, that do not belong there.
This will increase your discomfort at times, yes.
Yet it also brings far greater clarity of your inner life and increasingly reveals to you your true nature, your true path, and your real (soul) family and origins.
We would say to those who feel they are not in touch with much or any of those experiences, to understand that what is coming to you now is not something that the left-brain will easily grasp.
That is not necessary at this time, in fact.
You have long been trained to be suspicious of that which the left-brain cannot grasp. Trained to think only in narrowly defined parameters of what is acceptable, possible, or advisable.
These narrow constrictions have been applied to every area of your life, in every Earth life you have ever lived, since the fall to the third dimension.
And now—What is happening? Your thought processes are asking.
Are these new ways of seeing and experiencing life safe to trust?
Is it possible to go through life and not stress or worry?
Is it true that we live in a giant hologram, and that there is no need to become stressed over the appearance of an issue—because appearance is all it is, and not reality?
Am I also a holographic illusion? Or just my outer life?
Many ideas will occur to you now, friends! And often they will seem strange, unacceptable, or unlikely.
And yet—you cannot return to the old life. That is over and done with now.
Each day now, you are accepting increasing levels of higher Light into every cell of your being, and becoming a new being—one who does not live at the survival level, and who does not fear “the future” because they realize that all Time is now.
All times are now, as we spoke of in the podcast last evening.
While the old Earth aspects of the human mind are swimming in confusion at how quickly life is changing on this planet, the New Human mind is coming forward.
They explain now that “even bigger than the fact that I create my own life, is the fact that my responses to that life, and to all else, can live in a Peaceful acceptance of what I experience—that which I consciously created, and that which I unconsciously created to learn from.”
That New Human within you will also find increasingly now, that “There is no need to engage in negative emotion as an automatic response to creations I do not prefer. I can accept them as threads of color in the fabric, release all judgment, and focus on what I do want to create. All is well.”
You can no doubt feel how entirely different that kind of response to life is, compared to the old, fear-driven, self-protective outlook.
This is You, admitting to your power!
This is You, releasing the need to have only “good things” happen in order to be at Peace!
And this is You, denying release of your co-Creative power to individual people or experiences, as if they had some sort of influence on who you are at your core. For they do not.
Decide now: Will I welcome these changes as part of the great shift into enlightenment for myself and all others? And will I accept the shifts Mother Earth Herself is experiencing, without panic?
Will I accept that the old Earth structures must fall and fade before the New can fully anchor?
Or will I shrink back from that very Transformation that I helped design before incarnating?
We know you will accept the challenge before you, dear ones, just as you have accepted the demands of hundreds of challenging Earth lives. The one very marked exception, is that this particular challenging time on the Earth is the one that changes the vibration, experiences, and reality of an entire planet in unprecedented ways. Which also shifts the vibration of the Universe.
Am I that powerful? you may wonder.
We are happy to confirm: that powerful, and even more so.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.