The Arcturians via Rosie Neal, June 23, 2018

By Rosie Neal
Beloved star beings you have come a long way for this auspicious time to reverse the course of this planet from 3D matrix linear time into 5D miracle eternal Now.
Many of you that have come here as gatekeepers, frequency holders, grid workers, earth keepers, crystal record keepers and blue rays as forerunners for the new earth consciousness…. in
Deep within you know you came here for a reason, that you have a purpose… it is an ancient calling that you have responded to again and again and again… this is not your first mission as a star seed system buster, please trust in this inner knowing, that you came on call. You agreed to the most to down step in frequency to fall into amnesia to fulfill this role, it was a
We congratulate you for this diligent work, that took you to the darkest abyss a human can go thru. However deep within you know you are more than human, you are consciousness in densified form.
It is time to re-claim and acknowledge the power that you are and thru your very presence…. radiate, vibrate, command in the name of the highest light the particles of light in your vortex auric field to serve and act with highest authority and integrity with the law of One and you will regain your full galactic potential and serve as omnipresent omnipotent
We offer our support, but only you can choose what reality you feed and give life to.
We encourage you
~ Grace Solaris the Arcturians
Source: Scenic Sasquatch