LORD SANANDA ~ WE HAVE THE PERMISSION… Intervention Will Be Given My Beloveds.
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What do they think they are, they think they have power over the planet, over their systems and over the population.
What do they think they are, they think they have power over the planet, over their systems and over the population.
The Absolute Maximum Power Is Father Mother Adonai On This Planet.
We already have all the permits to intervene.
There is a Law of Non-Intervention in this Universe, but this law applies when there are these negative war actions, that these dark forces have done and disposed of this planet.
We don’t give them a truce anymore, there’s no more time.
We will intervene because we will intervene, because there is the Greater Force that authorized this process. And no one should be trusted. We will look for you even in the corners of this universe. Wherever they are, in every corner of the planet, we’ll get them out of there.
We’ve already given them opportunities to reconcile and get back on track and it hasn’t been possible. Then all cosmic and universal law applies to these evildoers. Because that’s the word we can use for all the evil, the evildoers that have done to the planet.
There will be no more chance, the intervention will be given my beloved.
I am Sananda.
Saying goodbye with love.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 24/11/2024