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It’s an indescribable beauty, everything inside looks like a big city, as if we were on the same planet. We see places, houses, forests, mountains, rivers, seas. We see people of different races, of a variety of shapes, all human in various aspects. There are children, adults, buildings, squares, gardens, gardens. We see springs.
There is a huge light, all lit up.
There are tall buildings, like about 10 stories, others smaller in size. They are all round in oval, circular shapes. There are pyramids, everything is great. The trees are similar to those on the planet, with intense green foliage. Lots of flowers of all colors.
There are many Fairies, many Elementals.
Internally there are small local transport ships, there are platforms. Here beings move, they are transported with thought. There are many Ships as means of transport to go to other worlds.
There’s a kind of Central Dome, like a Great Sun, a Great Sphere that supplies all the energy needed in the Ship. Provides all the Universal and Cosmic Energy that is required. It’s a big, very big, Enormous Brilliant Sphere.
The Ship is a Great Consciousness and is handled by the Ship’s consciousnesses. There are also Sananda, Sara, the Great Masters of Wisdom. Everything was very orderly, extremely clean and bright. Everyone has their home, their place of shelter. Everyone shares, there is a very nice brotherhood, everyone loves each other.
In the Ship dwells and is Part of the Ship, the whole Christ Team. There is a team of Great Masters of wisdom, of Archangels, of Elder Brothers. There are several levels and on one level of the Ship where there are many Ships of the Brothers, of the Commanders who have their Ships, who go out in the fulfillment of their Missions, fulfilling their functions.
Those who have already reached a certain frequency can enter the Ship. But more than anything in the Ship, is the Whole Holy Alliance and the Whole Team that always assists the Master and all those Beings that by merit, by service, by internal work, are in the Ship.
Sananda Command the Ship, she has her ship too. There’s also the Mother and the entire Team. Like I told you, everyone has their own private work ships, on service. But it really all converges here.
The New Jerusalem Ship is in the 7th D. and right now it’s very close to the planet. It was in ninth, but from proximity it has lowered the frequency level a bit to 7a and when the time comes, the Ship can be seen at levels 5a and 6a.
Remember that the planet, the New Earth will be simultaneously on the seven plans of the 5th and there will also be 6th, 7th.
Since the Ship is quite Large, here there is a kind of Government, not of Government as you know, but there are like Spiritual Guides, Guides in all disciplines, Schools. Here all the Teams are prepared, each team of assistance to the planet.
Here they also come and visit us brothers from other worlds, from other planets, from other realities. The bottom of the Ship is like a Big Garage and the Ships come in and wait for the Ship.
There is no night here, it is always daytime, because the Great Sun of the Ship illuminates Day and Night.
The New Jerusalem will give Shelter to All the Children of the Father and Mother, that so their Superior Being has decided, that they have agreed.
The New Jerusalem travels all over the Father Mother Universe, but now it has time here in this reality, in this sector.
There are also animals, lots of beautiful exotic birds.
Aside from this Ship as I told you, everyone can have their own Ship. Sananda and Lady Nada, Mother and All have their Ships. The Ship of Sananda is the New Jerusalem, however, it has other smaller sized, smaller cast ships that it uses. Is this Capricorn ship or Phoenix ship.
There is a very beautiful Crystal Lake, which has many very tall trees with huge logs. Ship is like a planet, in fact planet earth is a Ship too, a Big Ship.
The planets are all hollow, inside dwell Great Intelligence helping and guiding other beings.
Now I bid farewell, we bid farewell, our Higher Self.
Sananda and Lady Nada say goodbye.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -08/01/2025