Archangel Michael and Sylah: Questions/Answers — G

Archangel Michael and Sylah: Questions/Answers — Great victory over this world!

Channel: Sylvain Didelot | Source

Good evening and good morning to each of you. I am Michael. It seemed important to me to come and express, to explain what has happened to your world during the last few weeks, not just the last month, perhaps a little beyond, since January, no doubt, but with a more marked indication in what you called February.

We have a possibility of intervention on Earth, which is not so much in what happens in your life that belongs to you, you possess this free will – we can only direct, help in certain passages of your timelines as you call them, of your life paths as we prefer to call them – despite this, we can intervene on the fact that there are on Earth parasites, beings of non-light who can slow down your progress.

Some of them clearly have their utility in form. Some of them allow you through a certain pressure to advance in Light, to advance in Love . On the other hand, some of them also sink you. They do not allow you to access your highest energy field, your most beautiful victory on this Earth or in your incarnations.

These parasites are part of the universes, part of the dimensions. Sometimes they are simply informational, and other times, they are beings just as physical as you and I, I was going to say, especially you. These, sometimes, like a bacteria that has grown too much, can upset your living space.

In fact, my friends, your world was invaded by many entities coming from parallel dimensions, which interfered with a dynamic which is that of your planet. This will possibly be a little hard to hear, we wanted to harmonize the planetary field with yours. When I say that it is hard, it means that if the planet had not increased its vibratory rate we would not have done this work immediately to rid the parasites therefore, from your world.

We did not make all of these negative energy fields that surrounded you disappear, only a proportion of about half, a little more, to lighten this world, to lighten the Earth, to lighten the circumstances of life that now surround you. Because, indeed, all these spawn, all these – how to say it, I was going to say infractions – intrusions into your existences wished evil, by confusing good and evil it was their great tactic: to make the bad guys look good and to make the good guys look bad as you would say, you, in human language, the confusion of values, the putting forward of principles which seemed in this putting forward of principles, very valued, valorizing, valorizable, and which in fact did not go in the direction of a concrete unity of this world, that is to say not in the direction of peace, on the contrary, in the direction of war. Simply, today, since the beginning of this month, we have positioned developers.


Before I tell you about the beginning of this month, let me tell you about the fight that I had to fight, that we had to fight. When we fight the energies, the entities, the parasites, the negative egregores, the archons, we do not seek to defeat them, to dissolve them in time and space. We do not seek, as some of you would say, to kill them. Simply, my work, our work consists of putting them back in their place in their dimensional field, in their stage of evolution.

You know this stage of evolution of these entities, you have gone through it yourself , because, yes, a soul, a consciousness starts very, very low in energy, very, very low in capacity to love. And these very, very low energies, sometimes incarnated, are energies that seek power, strength, control, nourishment through fear, anxiety, stress as you say. This mode of nourishment gives them the capacity to remain in a high dimension, however without creating Love, without creating something, only by feeding on creators and creatures.

So, the Earth, this world, your terrestrial and animal energies too, were captured by these energies that generated fear, and these sometimes incarnated beings, who themselves were great nourishing masters for these entities, these energies, these parasites, have plunged you into fear for several years. But now the faces are revealed one by one, not necessarily the ones you are told about.

Again there is this notion that you have been made to believe that good is evil and evil is good sometimes, and you have confused them because you have been told it a thousand times. You know, repeating a horror a thousand times is still a horror, it must not become the truth inside you. When you are denounced as being the good guys, I think you lack many elements to know it, to be in this temporary judgment. They are always temporary on Earth.

These energies that made you enter into fear, that fed on that, attempted a desperate attack when we tried to put them back on the right path, I would say, to put them back in their dimension, by my sword, by my shield, by the Forces of the visible and invisible universe. We worked on it, they could only retreat. We knew our victory was certain.

So, by retreating, these entities sought to cling to human beings. They sought fears in many of you. They went through obstacles, life circumstances, illnesses, brakes, especially and mainly in those who spread the most Light and who still had a possibility of higher evolution. In those who had completed their evolution or were in a stable level, nothing happened. On the other hand, in those who could deploy even more Light, those were obviously the first target of these entities who tried to overwhelm them.

We are happy to know that 99% of these people continued the fight in their own way, continued on their path, continued on their way despite these obstacles, not only because we warned you but also because many of you found your inner strength, found your ability to act without us, to recognize your own value, your own circumstances, your own abilities to move forward.

The enemies have retreated. I told you, we did not remove all the negative spawn from your world – we removed more than half of them – voluntarily , since you must keep your free will and these entities contribute to this dual notion on Earth . I repeat, for some of them, they help you to advance .

You must work on your shadows and your ability to push away the non-light in order to move forward in Love properly. It is not about it being simple, it is about it requiring a connection to God, an effort to recognize this Power that inhabits you and that inhabits the world . This effort is caused by circumstances that require an effort from you, that is why these circumstances have been placed. They will continue to be placed, we do not want people to fall asleep on Earth. Your wish and our wish is that Earth is an evolving space.


So the Earth, now cleared, is in a period of revelations. As for Gaia, your planet, the entity Earth, now, it has more possibilities to position itself around its energy centers, which means that it will move, yes. There will be energetic movements . There will be occasional tectonic movements, and without a doubt, magnetic movements. These movements will not have serious consequences on your personal level since each of you already knows the circumstances of your life, however, it will have an aspect of revelation in this world .

I still have difficulty estimating your Earth time despite the billions of years that I share with this planet, nevertheless, I would like to mention that it is very likely that this entire field of revelations, this entire field of energy, this entire field of truth that touches the planet is positive, and this will provoke from now on, and a little more deeply towards the middle of the year, inner and outer revolutions in each and every one of you .

Yes, it will still be a difficult time for many to see how you have been fooled by these shadows, fooled by these beings who have spread fear, thus serving demons at times. And some have had attitudes, yes, that you could call demonic towards human manipulation, towards children, towards animals. You will see all of this.

All this can only be revealed now. Why? Because these people have lost half their strength. Losing half their strength, they lose half their strength of conviction towards the people, who will see and understand the theater that many leaders of many countries represent, not all but the majority. These are in the bluff, the show-off, the dramatization of the fact that they are each of them, the force of good, while a humanity at peace is alone capable of representing the force of good . It is about reestablishing a balance of forces. This is happening more or less naturally but remember, the late awakening is often difficult for many.


In this period of revelations, I spoke to you about inner revolution. Another year where some of you will evolve in your profession, evolve in the geographical , in the energy where you will place yourself, and this is necessary. To prepare the Earth of Light, to prepare, not an Eden just a Earth of Light, so simply a more awakened Earth, more Conscious, these movements are necessary. These energies are necessary.

Many of you will begin to understand that it is time to act for the common good AND for your personal good at the same time , and not just from a food point of view as you are used to saying. The occasions, the opportunities for this will present themselves more easily , given that there too, you were under forces that prevented certain favorable circumstances from reaching you . These forces, I repeat, have diminished by half on your world.

So now you are on a playing field where you find yourself in superior force compared to the opposing team. If I have to use a proportion, there used to be 3 negative entities for 1 positive entity. Rest assured, a positive entity could quite easily push them back, but here, the game is equal. It is 1 for 1. Therefore, you see how you have ⅔ more force, ⅔ more energy in circumstance. From then on, give time to the energy around you to align with this new breed, this new general principle. In the end, everything will be fine.

You have entered into this work, into this moment. It will still require a little courage, courage to dare to take certain steps, to make certain requests, to sometimes even refuse circumstances that will be unfavorable to you. On the other hand, now, what you call chance, luck, synchronicities, all of this is on your side. And yes, we could say that those who have played very bad games with the entities are now those who will not have any luck. They will find themselves in circumstances that they will not be able to manage. In this way, they will be, this time, overtaken by their own game.

As for you, I invite you to stay upright in your energy. I invite you to recognize your strength, your power on Earth, your capacity to Love. While it has been restricted, while many have entered into fear, while many have refused certain contacts for several years, expand your energy field. Open your heart. Reopen your heart. No longer be afraid of the other.

Trust that in this inner and outer revolution that is beginning to emerge, and I repeat, that will probably find more strength in the middle of the year, you will find yourselves together with the same difficulties on the entire planet, and you will find solutions together . You will find solutions, not directly through your governments, first and foremost through the Union that you represent, a union of hearts, a union of desires, a union of needs .

It will , of course, be a matter of trusting yourself, your energy, and us too.

We are sorry if we have seemed absent to you during this last month. In this case, on the contrary now, our visualization, our resonance, our energy will be much brighter for you. Not that we have become brighter, simply that what masked the possibility of perceiving us, all that has half disappeared. Open your Consciousness to the possibility of divine Presences at your side. Open your Consciousness to greater possibilities, sometimes magical, some would say.


Yes, this March is a month of exposing lies. A very good start, we see in this world how people can no longer hide their game: those who want peace, are for peace, those who want war, want war. There are no more very nuanced speeches. We see.

War is separation . It is those who are on Satan’s side, let’s say it bluntly. There is no good war. Know this, there is no GOOD WAR or good reasons to wage war. And in your world, war has often been about resources. Even those who would like to continue it in truth want resources, they don’t care at all about people dying, people leaving; even if it is part of the plan, let’s be clear.

Being on the side of peace means being on the side of global sharing . So, it is a matter of everyone finding their specificities, of everyone finding in their country the strength and the courage to reinstate the values ​​that were present and that have brought joy to all the people in these countries for years. Because by dint of wanting exacerbated globalization in your world, you have ended up forgetting that the place where you are was a “joyful” place for you.

So your world will now effectively refocus on what is beautiful in each country, in each region, in each province. When I say country, region, province, I am not trying to determine a truly geographical or named unit. I am trying to talk about fairly large territories that possibly extend over several countries, which also have common values, real common values ​​and a real common culture. In these countries, joy can reign in letting this in and in not wanting, I repeat, exacerbated globalization.

I regularly find myself in conversation with people you would call remote, in some distant forests in the center of your world. These beings, dear friends, are so much more joyful and happy than you. They do not ask for civilization. They do not ask to have an opinion on everything. They ask to be happy, peaceful, in good health, where they are, with family, with friends, seeking to develop each of them some art in professions that harmonize naturally, as in nature. Nature, it harmonizes naturally.

She too, once again, in her evolution will cause changes, upheavals, however it will always be to bring more energy to herself and to this world. So, you will see that nature will bring you even more energy now . You will see to what extent the earth, the trees will be carriers of a living and vibrant energy as you have not known for many years, because it has already been the case. It will come back.

Oh! I told you, I do not promise you an Eden on Earth. I do not promise you that you will all be perfectly happy and blessed, on the other hand I promise you that you will all have the opportunity to be , because it is God’s will to regularly give you the opportunity to learn, the opportunity to love, the opportunity to see, the opportunity to share. It is up to you to seize this opportunity . It is up to you to see, to perceive His messages, His inner calls.


I have spoken to you, I repeat, of inner revolution since you too will be subjected to the field of truth . Consequently, you will also have to face your contradictions, your fears, in a Conscious manner .

So, dear friends, what will you do? Will you turn to us begging for help, or will you simply become aware of what is within you?

Start taking a few steps on a path that may seem a little bit unfamiliar, a little bit difficult. You know, the truth is in an average of one’s actions , in wanting to move forward, in ceasing to be afraid and systematically seeking outside help.

We are WITH you. We accompany you, of course. Nevertheless, we need direction from you, steps that you have already taken directly on Earth, not just ideas.

Your world is full of unrealized ideas. Many of these unrealized ideas were not, precisely because of this energetic lead weight of the entities that were present. But that is over! So you will also see in the months to come new inventions arriving . You will see human creativity as you have never seen it , even asking yourself ”  why did we not think of this before?  ” In truth, it is the energies of the ideas that have been released now also.


We have done this, I repeat for you and for your Earth. You are in this energy field now. I would like to tell you that I will continue the fight at your side. I will continue to work on the karmic aspects that can weigh you down. I will continue to protect you against the entities that can remain if you call on me, because we of course have the power. However, the action to be taken towards your joy and towards peace depends on YOUR steps, your steps towards your higher Consciousness and your steps towards God . Because you are back to God, but become Aware of this true goal.

I don’t like the term goal here, because it is beyond a goal. It is the very Essence of your deep Being to want to return to the absolute Love that the Divine represents. It is not so much something that is determined and chosen. It is something that is already there deeply anchored, which sometimes even creates in you the lack, the frustration, because you feel to what extent something, someone, an energy can love you more.

You tend to want to personify this something, this someone, to want it to correspond to the one who accompanies you in life. In truth, it is beyond that, far beyond. The return to God is not so much a religious return as a return to the reality of who you are , a return to a family that loves and works , not a family that looks on and says: “  Look, it’s painful. Look, it’s hard. Look, it’s complicated. Look, what are we going to do?  ” It’s over!

From now on, obviously it will take a few months, in some cases even a few years in some countries, you will regroup, align yourselves together in this common work . The regroupings will happen naturally , do not worry about it. I repeat, the calls, the coincidences will be, are already very simplified, very simplified.


Your world is going to experience, I repeat, I also tell you, some upheavals of an energetic nature, and everything that represents energy is going to be troubled . Whether they are pragmatic energies like money is for you, or whether they are fluctuating energies like those of nature, telluric and cosmic.

There are movements. There will be movements, that is obvious. Despite this, you will still be able to align yourselves much more quickly than before with these new changes, with these new attitudes, with these new behaviors. All this will be done in a much more peaceful and quiet way than it could have happened if we had not succeeded. Now, let us be clear, we have never doubted our victory over these invisible fields that weighed on you.

Why have we never doubted it? Because it is a divine order, because it is a deep feeling that has come within us asking us to work in this direction, and this deep feeling can only come from the Great Creator . It can only come from the Divine Being. Hearing this order, this desire to put back in their place the entities that must continue to evolve from their lower plane — and who will continue to evolve from their lower plane — we have worked in this direction, convinced of the victory since it was that of the One who pronounced even the order.

Now, for the entities that remain, they will continue to feed themselves in the same way, by your fears. Obviously some will continue to try to scare you. They will try to separate you from Love, since that is what fear is. Here too, you can ask for our help, ask for the help of your Guardian, ask for the help of your ancestors as well, those ancestors who are going to be brought forward again.


I repeat, it is time to reinstate the values ​​of regions and countries. I say it again, by country I do not mean a geographical entity but a group of regions that come together in the same values ​​and the same ideas. This is underway. This is necessary. This is right and good, and we will work with each of those who want to move in this direction. And we will undoubtedly work in a more effective and more visible manner.

Some of you will begin to hear, to see , to understand that this Invisible that they are told about is not simply a little theory or a sweet dream in an existence, still wondering if on the last day of their life they will finally be able to have proof of the divine Presence.

If you were now to listen to your heart, if you were now to listen to the circumstances around you, you could not doubt for a single second our support. We support YOUR LIFE PLAN. We support your choices already made before coming into this field of earthly experience. So, when you ask us for the impossible, it is because you forget that you are the only generator, the only generator of what can take you out of the Illusion .

”  How? How? How? How?  ” But you know it! You know how. Is there any need to tell you to Love, to Love what you are, to Love what you do, to Love what you feel around you, whatever you are, whatever you do and whatever you feel around you, to put your Love into it, to associate yourself with all of that in order to be able to transform it?

You will not be able to transform what you hate, what you dislike, what you cast your disdain on. None of your actions will have any power over that.

The Ascension Masters are first and foremost people, human beings who have decided to open their hearts completely, not to say yes to everything, to understand that each circumstance, each person, each being, each object was part of their own definition, that they were both the holder and the outcome. Having entered this circle of creation, they stopped believing that they were small, they then understood that they were the Great Whole incarnated in the illusion of smallness. This enlargement is done by Love, not just by an intellectual understanding, well beyond, by something deeper, more sincere, more joyful. I insist once again on this word ʺjoyfulʺ.


Dear souls, you have now entered the Great Golden Gate once again. You are now within your earthly plane in any case, your beneficial line, the one that engenders peace, sharing and Love. I repeat, this will not happen without clashes, yet this will happen.

Accept your own truth too. Accept that you have sometimes fallen short of your own standards. Do not beat yourself up over it. Do not blame yourself. The human creature cannot know the divine Being who engendered it. You do not even suspect that you are this divine Being himself who engendered what you are and what you do .


There will be symbols on this Earth marking this passage a little bit. I will ask Sylah now to answer your questions about this.

This being who is Sylvain’s higher Consciousness helped us in the fight, helped us in his forces, but you are very, very numerous to have helped us, with extremely numerous terrestrial relays. So, we want to thank you, because we did not lead this “fight” alone. We led it with many Earthlings, with many Lights. You were extremely numerous, extremely motivated, therefore this is beneficial and we thank you for it.



I am Sylah. I am happy to be with you at this moment, and I am honored to be able to answer and to have been allowed to answer some of the questions you have. Oh! not all of them, at least some of them.


You ask us if religions will disappear  : By unifying countries, will polytheistic religions disappear or become monotheistic?

They are not going to disappear, but one of the great symbols of change in planetary energy will be marked by the death of your close, very close Christian Pope. His departure will mark an energy of greater, more sincere opening towards the true original message of Jesus .

And it does not matter whether religions are monotheistic or polytheistic. What matters is the ability you have to dispense Love on Earth. Then polytheistic religions will not become monotheistic, but the direction towards Love, the direction towards unification and peace will be much more sincere and much more just.

The departure of this man will be one of the markers .


Is it better to drink tap water or bottled water  ?

This is a very different question. There is no absolute answer to this question, it depends on your region . If you are talking to me from Africa or if you are talking to me from France, from certain regions of France, everything is different.

I think you know your answer. You know very well which water is the purest for you.

Don’t forget if you drink your tap water to decode it, because your waters are encoded , yes. They contain messages by special technologies. So, to decode your water, we simply invite you to mix it a little, to turn it, a few turns before drinking it .

After that, you know very well what is the best water for you.


Will the war in Ukraine finally end  ? What about Gaza  ?

Again, who is generating the war? Is it us or is it you? The question should be asked of your leaders. In any case, Michael told you, you are going towards times of peace, you are going towards times of unification. There will be tensions, of course, but you are going towards times of peace, you are going towards times of unification and towards times of truth . And these times announce peace , of course, of course.

Remember that those who want war are playing with demons. Just remember that.


Are natural disasters with large numbers of departures expected in the near future  ?

I don’t know what you mean, dear soul, by soon, but the answer is that natural disasters, as you know, are on the increase and yes, some of them are of a planetary nature.

By soon, I will not answer immediately, I will answer soon . I know that this does not give more indications. This means that in a few weeks, there could be large planetary energetic movements that could generate mainly large tidal waves or large cyclones of rare magnitude. It is possible. It is probable in the planetary energetic increase.


You ask us what do you think about cryptocurrency  ?

Please know that we do not think anything about it . We have no comments to make on these subjects nor advice to give you. We know that everything is in the exchange. Whether you use money, paper, services, goodwill, does not pose a problem for us. You will always have exchange values ​​and we have no advice to give on this subject.

We know, Michael told you, that your financial structures are going to be in danger in some time. They are going to ask themselves a lot of questions. On the other hand, this is going to happen a little later than planned in the original plan where you were, in other words, you have time to think. You have time to think about where you want to actually put your money.

In any case, we have no opinion to give on one system over another. This is a system of exchange. It would be surprising if we gave our opinion on this subject, because it does not suit us as much as the Love that you go through and give you . We are more interested in those who give than in those who want to keep .


What will the markings be for this current passage  ?

The main markers of the current transition:

˜There is, I told you, the death of this pope.

˜There will be an earthquake in a South American country.

˜ In France, moreover, there will be a certain upheaval of minds following revelations about important figures.

˜There will be markers in the sky. Well, you will understand what I mean by that. I am asked not to insist on these markers in the sky.

Please understand already, as Michael said, that I am willing to call my Guide or my Being, my soul sometimes, there is now a great lightening of energies. Do not focus on particular events .

Begin your work now . Do not say to yourself, “  I will start when…, when this, when that  .” Now, enjoy this surge of energy. Enjoy this extra strength that is given to you, this pause in the attacks of the non-light to focus on who you are and what you have to do on this plane .

It is not the marker events that are useful , because that would mean waiting again. Don’t wait. Don’t wait. Start now. Don’t worry, these markers in many countries will be different. There are no real universal markers other than this big tidal wave that will start from the Atlantic, and that may be more or less severe depending on when it arrives.

And we don’t know much about it yet, because it depends on Gaia, on your planet itself . For the moment, she is of the opinion to make a little space. But in a while, she is like you your planet, she has her free will, she can choose one plan, one method or another . That’s it.


Is the Canada-USA tariff war declared today the vector of a more local economy  ?

Yes . Clearly, you are going to refocus in all countries of the world on the local values ​​of Terr2. You are going to refocus on economies, yes, more local, more centralized, more regional, understanding that this is probably useful for your planet.

Remember that it is always those who want to save the planet who go to the other side of the world to look for what they have next door. There you go.


The Pope is already dead, they are hiding it from us …

No , dear friend, your pope is not dead, but his time is approaching.


Can we talk about sleep  ?

I can’t discuss sleep with you because it is a very complex subject. Understand that when you can’t sleep, you are out of balance, not just hormonally, but first and foremost out of balance with the Earth’s timetable. You are out of balance with your natural plan .

What we would advise to those who are sleep deprived is perhaps to not eat at the same times as everyone else, perhaps even to not sleep at the same times as everyone else, and to listen a little more to your biology getting back in tune with nature .

Many of you cannot sleep because your biology no longer corresponds, or will correspond less and less, to a planetary time that is no longer as stable as before. However, we will not go further because there are so many different cases here to discuss.


Many of us have physical pain. Will this continue  ?

The energetic shifts on your planet can indeed cause physical pain, but that’s not all. That’s not all, so yes, it will continue. Sorry, it will continue until you find who you truly are , and that also answers that question that came up next.


Why did almost all of us get sick this winter  ?

Because you are in an energy alignment , because the entities already this winter were trying to thwart your energy, to recover your energy. That is over, at least for these winter illnesses.

For those who have been experiencing physical pain for quite a few years, you will now have the opportunity to find new paths, new ways. Open yourself to these new paths , open yourself to these new ways that are only beginning now .


You ask me what I can advise you to be more serene in this month of March in relation to everything that has happened  ?

Michael has answered you, dear friend. Understand that you are relieved. To use a very earthly expression, it is as if you had picked up a card that tells you that you are getting out of prison, only you are not used to it.

So, get out there. See things differently. Open your heart. Open your mind to new possibilities of vision and energy field , that is what is going to change your life and help you recover. If you continue with the usual processes, if you continue with your life as it was before this date you will stay in your routine, so it is about changing your routines . Because yes, your psychic abilities are going to develop , absolutely, for many of you. Of course.


What to think about interference, about interfered humans  ?

You know, they are very weak. The quest for power, addictions, drugs, demonic writings as some would say, in other words entire families degenerated by entities, all this has created beings very quick to receive the non-light, and the non-light is still there. Despite everything, these interferences will be much less, let’s say, underhanded.

These beings could make it if they rise up . So please pray for all those you think are under attack. Pray for all those you think are affected by the demon. Pray for them. Pray for them . Don’t ask for justice immediately. That is human. Human justice will come, but first ask for each of them to receive the Light and Love that you are capable of , because you can do this and it really helps .

Will putting someone in prison stop them from being a demon? Not really. Now, you came to elevate souls, to elevate consciousnesses, not to lock them up. We did not lock up the entities, the parasites. We simply sent them back to their rightful place. Their rightful place is not a prison but a dimension where they can still evolve. So, allow humans to evolve too. That’s it.


What about St. Mary’s warnings to various seers about what is coming  ?

Mary is right to bear her warnings. If you return to fear again, if you agree to return to fear again, everything becomes possible again.

It’s like we’ve put you in the right place on the right road, yet if all of humanity – which is hardly possible because there’s a very powerful energy field going the other way – but if all of humanity were to drift back into fear, fear could come again , then she says, “Repent, pray, turn to the Light.” Isn’t that the same message we’re giving here and now, just to tell you to stay on that wonderful, fabulous voice?

To warn is to escape something , Mary does not seek to scare you, she seeks to keep you in the Light rather than letting you be quietly led around by spirits who are not you.


What did Michael mean when he said that each of us knows the circumstances of our life  ?

You wrote your own life before you came to Earth. You wrote every path, every way, every circumstance that you are living. All of that is already written. How you were going to live it, how you were going to take it, how you are going to slide from one of the scenarios that you wrote to another scenario, that was not written and that belongs to you.

So your energy, your emotion, your ability to choose will move you from one circumstance to another circumstance, but each of you within yourself has already inscribed your own plan of existence .


How will the death of Pope Francis create an opening  ?

It is simply a circumstance. We did not seek the death of anyone, only that it will mark a time , the end of one prophecy, the beginning of another.


We can clearly feel an acceleration in the movements of our Earth, earthquakes, bad weather, etc., is this the beginning of an earthquake or major volcanic eruption  ?

The South of France, earthquake in the Var, don’t start asking us where it will happen, we could cause large population departures that would be more harmful than the events themselves . There is no point in knowing in advance what will happen.

I know this is always hard to hear from you, but those who must go will go, and those who must stay will stay, no matter where they are. You could escape to the other side of the planet, if you must go, you will go. So don’t bother wondering where all these circumstances are going to take place .

As for the high possibility of a tsunami in the heart of the Pacific, you will be warned hours in advance if that is necessary , and I think it probably will be.


How to reconnect with others  ?

This comes down to asking how to love , and I want to tell you that this is the very meaning of your existence , to learn how to recreate links with others. This is the very profound meaning of what you came to Earth to seek, this connection to the other .

If we were to answer you from our plane of life, from this plane of the Beyond, we could only tell you: “it’s quite simple, you just have to love”, but we know that on Earth it is not so simple and so easy at times. So it is up to you to take steps, to make efforts, to contrition sometimes , that is to say things that are a little bit perhaps restrictive to go towards the other, while opening your heart to the possibility that he or she has changed, is different. There you go.


If you send prayers to Gaia, can it alleviate natural disasters  ?

The answer is clearly yes . Of course Gaia is listening to you. Of course Gaia is listening to you even if for the moment, to her, you seem to many to be restless children. But of course your planet is listening to your heart , listening to your energy. There you go.


How to get rid of a negative entity from your home  ?

I want to answer you outside of any exorcism or type of practice or Michael’s call, if you yourself were a very positive energy, but really very positive, at that moment no negative entity could enter your home. It is first a question of increasing its vibration , of increasing its energy, then the entity will have to disappear by itself.

Apart from this, the processes to make a negative entity disappear can be through calls to your Guides, your angels, through symbols, through smells, through anything that can increase the vibration and energy .

But remember, you are still the main energy center of your home . That’s just the way it is.


Can Ramadan help the soul and body evolve  ?

Most fasting practices help the body and soul evolve. They don’t need to be extreme to do so .

But yes, to answer your question strictly, yes, it can help .


Can Gaia shift timelines like we can  ?

Of course. She’s like you, she’s an entity that can change timelines.


For the sick and suffering, how can we help them  ? Is it necessary  ?

By praying for them , by giving them energy treatments , by being attentive, by being in compassion, in charity. And yes, it is necessary to help those who suffer. And yes, it is necessary to help the sick.

Even if they wrote this in their life plan, do you think they didn’t plan how to solve the situation systematically? Very often you are in their way . Very often, you can help each of you with simple gestures.

So, yes, the path of illness is to be crossed frequently and solutions exist. Pray. Smile. Accompany . This is already great strength. This is already a great strength for many. There you go. There you go.



Dear souls, the time has come for us to be present again at your side, to help you internally to receive for each and every one of you your answer, your personal answer. We are here. We are present for each and every one of you.

Be certain of the Love that accompanies you. The Being that accompanies you deeply is nothing other than the Divine, the Source.

You are lightened. You are free. It is not so much a question now of asking the questions as of being the answer yourself, to your own questions.

We will continue to delve into these points. We will continue to give yes, some methods, some recommendations, yet, never forget that you always have the solutions sometimes within yourself, sometimes through the groups you will create or the circumstances you will put in place . It is in the movement that you find your answers, not by sitting down, not by falling asleep on yourself, but by living.

Live as living beings, do not live as the dead. Be alive to Life. Be present for it. Be present for your own energy. Raise your vibration. Raise your sense of joy and peace, and increase that sense of joy and peace in others. In this case, you will accomplish your most perfect path of Light.

It is in this Light, in this Love that we bless you, each and every one of you.

May Peace, Love, Joy, accompany your steps. Understand that everything is already there now, to reveal yourself to yourself. Let this journey, let this path be made in you. Have confidence. Michael himself came to tell you: “the fight is half won” and that is already enormous.


Be blessed.