The Opportunity Offered to Humanity

The Opportunity Offered to Humanity

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

This is the time of spiritual evolution. And when we say spiritual, by no means do we speak of spiritual in a religious context.

The opportunity for humanity to move forward in leaps and bounds has never been greater.

The energies offered to you now have never been offered before.

The stars and planetary bodies have never been aligned with this type of precision in prior times in the way they are now.

The support and guidance of the Federation of Light and the Angelic realms is on another level.

All of this, offers an immense support for activations within your being, for the thinning of the veils, for the grand shift in consciousness that is taking place at this time.

Challenges presented to you now are only stepping stones to further your awakening, and lead you Home.

If you could hear and feel the frequencies of the stars, you would know how much you are loved by the Universe. And that day has never been closer than it is now.

The day of upliftment is here.

All the light to You.