The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, February 20th, 2023
The Energies & Portal of 2-22-23 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
The Energies & Portal of 2-22-23 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have some very good news for all of you. As of this moment, the 2-22 portal is open and the energies have already begun pouring through it. We know that you all put yourselves in a space of greater expectation to receive during these times, and it is that expectation that has created the opportunity for the February 22nd portal. Now, what the energies are about is determined by those of us who are offering you energetic support, as we must determine through our observations you most are in need of at any particular time.
And so, we have determined that the energies coming from our system will be about helping you to attract more of your soul family to you in this lifetime. This will be a time when more of those members of your tribe can show up in your space to co-create with you and to remind you that you are not alone there on this journey of ascension. Now, others from other parts of the galaxy will be sending you different energies to support different goals for all of you. And so, the wide array of energies available to you right now, and that will continue to come in, is much more varied than what we are giving you right now. We are telling you about our contribution, because we have met with so many of you who feel like you are living lives of isolation, of not being connected.
And we also understand that many of you who are awake are surrounded by those who are not, even if they are humans that you want to connect with. Therefore, the soul families coming together in the physical is a big part of taking you to the next step on your journey of ascension there as a collective. Those of you who are there to do the work of the ground crew need to feel more grounded. You need to have experiences of connection, and you need that support and that stability that the soul family members will provide you with when they show up in your lives.
Now, you might be wondering at this point what your role is in making these connections. All you have to do is be yourself, continue to live your life, follow your bliss, and you will find yourselves coming into contact with these other humans that you have long histories with throughout the galaxy and universe and all the dimensions within the universe. Therefore, now is a good time to get excited, to expect good things and good people to come into your space, and it is a good time for you to relax as well, as these energies are not about you having to clear something or work on something.
They are about bringing you together with your soul family, your tribe, those with whom you are going to feel more at home. And those of you who are awake have been doing a tremendous amount of asking for this experience. Therefore, we are very happy to be able to give you this announcement, very happy indeed.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”