Message of The Day

“As you acknowledge, as you have said, that there is no separation between the kingdoms, between the devas, the fairies, the sprites, the rocks, the mountains, the dogs, the giraffes, the whales, and each other as hybrids, and humans, and everything in-between. Because what are you? You are the pink radiance of love. You are the unique, beautiful expression of love…yes, carrying the essence and the energy, the DNA, of the Mother/Father/One. But also your DNA, your essence, your beauty.
So, go back and simply eliminate this illusion of separation. Acknowledge that this illusion grew out of the yearning to be seen, and cherished, and loved. And as you do that, my family, know how deeply I love you and that I am with you every step of the way.
We are counting on you, literally, to erase this illusion upon planet, and thereby erasing it throughout the multiverse. You are powerful and you do this erasure with gentleness, compassion, and love, by the acknowledgment of beauty.” Mary Magdalene