KaRa of the Pleiades: Coming Together as Promised

KaRa of the Pleiades: Coming Together as Promised

Channel: James McConnell | Source

I am KaRa.

And I come to be with you at this time, indeed these changing times, even though you may be finding it harder and harder to continue on, to continue to move forward, to continue to believe in the promises that have been given by all of us and many, many other sources have been telling over and over and over that yes, the light has won.

You only need to continue to keep moving forward, keep being in the moment. You will find as you continue to do that. That you are part of this plan, this great universal plan. Actually a larger part than you might even possibly imagine at this point.

For all is coming together as was promised to those of you that volunteered to be here so long ago. Promises were made after these hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes here in this evolutionary pattern and program here in the earth, you would find yourselves one day, one moment where all of this comes to an end. For the third dimensional mission finally collapses.

Here you are at that point, Sananda has called the finish line Here you are, right there finding it at times difficult to keep moving on, it is like you’ve been running a marathon, mile after mile  struggling, and then you see the finish line.  And it will push you to the limits, limits that you didn’t even know you had.  There only takes that adrenaline rush now. And the adrenaline is the energies, are the energies coming in.

Yes, it can be difficult at times, we know this, for we ourselves went through something similar to this long ago.  All we can do is watch from afar and assist wherever we are able to. We cannot cross that finish line for you. We cannot run the race for you. You must continue to run the race. And for any race, there is an end. There is a finish line.

As you have heard many times, once you cross that finish line, you will likely, because of who you each are, will likely turn around and assist ones that are coming behind that may be having more difficulty with those energies, with that adrenaline.  You will be there to put out your hands  and assist them. Carry them even if you need to.

Many, many, are destined to cross this finish line. They’re destined to make their ascension.

Is not only you, those of you the way-showers but the many that will come after you, various ways to follow. Just as John the Baptist paved the way for Yeshua the Messiah, the Christ.

Then those of his disciples followed after him and then many, many more, is somewhat the same. You, each of you are the John the Baptist. Each of you are the way- showers, the ones to pave the way to the Christ consciousness and Mastery.

Those of you that can carry the Christ Consciousness know that it is a tall act for all of you.

Be in this position. But think of yourself at this point as those disciples of Yeshua. Think of yourselves in that role. Continue to move forward in the moment, moment after moment. And in one of these moments all truth will become revealed.

I am KaRa. I leave you now. Peace and love. Let you continue to strive for this end.  Don’t give up now. the ending, the finish line is so close.
(End of Channeling session with KaRa)