HILARION's WEEKLY MESSAGEfrom Marlene Swetlishoff ~ June 19-26, 2016 |
Beloved Ones, Love flows like a river across the face of the planet and touches each inhabitant. The winds of change are bringing constant revelation to the surface of their consciousness. Each individual is in the process of discovery about their origin, their true capabilities, and their divinity. Their soul seeks to know and touch that sublime Presence within them. There is much that is in completion in these moments of time, spiritual contracts are ended and new ones begin. There is a natural connection taking place with souls of like mind that draws each one to the next phase of their soul plan. They gather together to unite their energies in higher purpose. There is a higher love at work now, one that manifests a sense of oneness with their new liaisons. As they assist each other to connect the dots, a higher purpose is revealed and the way forward is made clearer. Like sparks of lightning, the flame within their core essence is being lit and the seeds of truth grow upwards towards the Sun. The regenesis of the Earth and her inhabitants is now in process. The seeds of Light that have been planted find their mark and now take root. Across the planet, the convergence of Light streams into ever widening concentric circles and into the core of the planet. Those who are serving as transducers of cosmic energy flows begin to shine in their radiant luminosity. |
Many are now leaving the planet in accordance with their souls plan. As they do, their Light leaves gossamer threads of Light behind them to linger and add strength to the web of life upon the surface of the planet. With their last breath, they leave the imprint of their impact upon their loved ones who are enriched by the memories that will sustain them. From the other side of the veil, they stop and give thanks for the great opportunity that living life on Earth has blessed them with. They count themselves as the lucky ones, for they were given this gift of experience in order that their souls could accelerate their evolution by pitting themselves against the challenges presented to them. Know this, Beloved Ones, there are no souls who hold bitterness as they cross to the other side. In their hearts they hold profound gratitude for each experience that gained their soul the divine qualities they have so dearly earned. In all the universes, there is no planet that can give so much accelerated growth in such a short span of time. In all the worlds that exist, the Earth is the coveted planet of magic and wonder amid the vast richness of experience. This is usually not appreciated nor thought about when in their human body, but is always profoundly acknowledged when the soul departs. |
In their lives upon the planet, humanity fears the experience of death of their human body. When their soul leaves and discards their human vehicle, great freedom is returned and the soul is reacquainted with the wholeness of their greater Being. There is great joy and exhilaration that occurs. There are reunions with their loved ones who left the Earth before them and their joy knows no bounds. They are reunited with the souls who played the roles of their pets, and they know unequivocally that life never ceases, it merely changes form. The lightness of their new body brings them constant delight and celebration. It is a time of rejoicing. Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. |
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