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Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Sananda and I was commenting and making the allegory of those times of Sodom and Gomorrah, where society was corrupted, where human had degraded so much, that there was a need to extinguish that city to liberate, to heal, to end that tumor evil that was there.
I want us to reflect for those who have heard this story. With the current times, my beloved, let’s see our society, let’s look around us, let’s watch all this corruption, all this corruption, and all this neglect of this society, of this humanity. I would say that Sodom and Gomorrah, was the daughter of this society, because it has come to such a degree of degeneration in this humanity, that what was practiced in Sodom & Gomorrah was only, a small part of what is done today.
We send messengers, Angels and none of them listened. As it was in these times, messengers were sent giving information on how humanity should proceed and behave on this planet, in this society always within the laws of love and light, and what they have done, what did they do? Many messengers have been killed and all the teachings distorted and turned into religions to dominate, to enslave.
My beloved, this society needs to be completely transformed and there is no other way to do it, because the minds are very corrupted, very corrupt and programmed with all the programs installed from that matrix, which still remains in their memories, where this society has reversed values, where anti-values work, and anti-values are converted into values of this corrupt society. Money, materialism, vices and the degradation of man.
You believe my beloved, all the effort we make your Guides, your Guardians, the Messengers to help them and this continuous society immersed in that holographic matrix, in that matrix. Only those who have managed to overcome and jump this barrier, who have managed to get out of all these schemes of control, who have managed let loose and deprogram, can go walking towards the light, towards the new dawn, the others, all those heads that have induced and all those that still remain Locked up and convicted of all these programs, they will be exposed to the great cleansing of the likes of Sodom and Gomorrah, must be done on the planet.
The others, those who have walked away from this system may walk to different paths.
Remember I always tell you, vibration, frequency makes the difference and everyone will walk according to their beliefs, according to their fundamental plan.
And I call them all to be healed. Everyone heals, heals all those memories that have been stored in their DNA, in their soul, in their being. Sanen, because the time of harvest is near, lest when you go to harvest, you be turned into chaff instead of wheat.
I call you all to the reflection of your heart. It’s time that they start releasing the old structures, of vices, of programming that the old society, this corrupt society has imposed on them. Start to let go, to make a step, the difference, to let go and not take more of your ideas, your programs.
Beloved I call you, we are closing the cycle. Everything is already prepared for the events that are to culminate the closure of this cycle, and not that they are exposed there in the present Sodom and Gomorrah. I bless you beloved of my heart and especially, to all those beings of light that are on the planet, who perhaps are still imprisoned in that control matrix, to let go and begin to liberate, to begin to awaken.
This humanity is awakening, but they all need healing.
I’m saying my goodbyes. I call them sanity, I call them healing, I call them to break free from that corrupt matrix.
I am Sananda, I wait for you and call you from my heart.
I bless you, blessed ones of my Father.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 4/11/2024