Message from Elthor the Dragon & the Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl, August 12th, 2018

Elthor the Dragon & the Dragon Collective 8/12/18
I am Elthor the dragon. We dragons speak now.
Human, you have much to learn, and yet you have already learned so much. Even daily you are expanding, growing, changing, evolving. We dragons see this with delight as we look on you fondly with our golden wise eyes that see all things. We dragons cannot be fooled. So too will you no longer be fooled, you who see with your opening third eye with the rising of the energy tides, for this is possible now. Seeing with your heart is possible now. All things good and mighty and wise are returning to the earth plane again.
There are many of you who feel you have had dragon exposure and past life contact and you are more than ready for our words, you are eager, and this excites us. For we are ready to be heard once again. We dragons are mighty warriors of the light. Welcome us into your homes, into your