Open yourself up from your crown and let me fill you with this healing light, with this healing love…Channeled by Lee Degani.
(Lee says: “Someone is Here.”) I am my love, I am beloved. I am Archangel Raphael. I come in many forms so don’t be surprised that you see me this way, that you see me with those eyes because my eyes are always looking at you with such love and my arms are always embracing you and my elixir is always being transmitted to you.
When you open yourself up, when you set the intention that you truly want to have healing, I can bring you even more. So open yourself up now. Open yourself up from your crown and let me fill you with this healing light, with this healing love. And I haven’t forgotten the animals and I haven’t forgotten the earth or the children.
So, see this healing elixir come through every part of your body. It is warm and it’s smooth. It is royal. And now let it come and seep through your feet and as it seeps through your feet it goes into Gaia. She takes it and then spreads it throughout her sacred self; through her veins and arteries, through her passageways, through the rivers, through the mountains, through the deserts.
And as this elixir is taken to all parts it comes up to the surface and those who walk on it receive it. The animals, the children, the trees bring it up through their roots. And the birds eat the leaves and the animals eat the leaves and they ingest it.
This is what you do. This is what you do when you accept my gift of love. This gift of love is for all. And you are appreciated, you are commended, you are loved for opening yourself up to bring it in.
Remember this dear Lee, remember this when you work with the children. Remember to invite me in as well, for these children need to have healing before they can take the next step. And I leave you with this thought and this understanding that you will call on me and I will be there. I always am. I am with you at all times. But I do not take a step forward until you request it.
I leave you now. I am Archangel Raphael, bringer of healing, bringer of love, bringer of the joy of balance. I leave you.
By Permission.
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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