Election 2024: Grounded Hope for What’s Coming
By Foster Gamble | Source
It was either “too big to rig,” or the nefarious forces were scared off enough by mounting election fraud awareness that we apparently had a reasonable facsimile of a democratic election. And it was a victory of common sense over nonsense.
This was a comeback story worthy of an ESPN documentary.
“Trump is a man who has withstood a lot.” — Elon Musk
Yeh…subpoenas, law suits, lies, impeachments, FBI raids, weaponization of the DOJ, media, social media and even the military brass… plus, of course, outright assassination attempts — to which he responded with even deeper commitment to bringing greatness to this country.
I want to express deep compassion for those many millions of people feeling shock and despair at this election outcome and how to deal emotionally with the upcoming years. I would have felt the same were the results reversed.
Did the Left Leave You?
If you identify as a Liberal, Progressive or Democrat, I suggest you break that down to “What are my actual values?” Peace, equality of opportunity, freedom, safety, compassion? Then ask yourself in a quiet, private moment if maybe the Democratic Party abandoned you without you realizing it. I was a liberal. So was Bobby, and Joe, and Russell, and Tulsi, Matt and Glenn and on and on and on… What was formerly the free-speech and antiwar party struggling for the rights of everyone, has been taken over. The Democrats became the propaganda and enforcement arm for big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Tech, War, Central Banks, Censorship, Socialism, Mandates, Wall Street, the Military-Industrial Complex and the Chinese Communist Party.

Here are three things that I want to share with those who are depressed and afraid right now.
Truth Media
First, I believe that almost all of you are very well-intended… and significantly under-informed. I’ve talked to many thousands of liberal Democrats and almost everyone is in a news source bubble of the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Politico, the Washington Post and your FB or Insta page. If you want a broader and deeper sense of what’s really going on here, you need to not just drop by Fox now and then. You need to actually find sources of “truth media” who are motivated not by profit or coercion, but by finding and spreading the truth, no matter what it is. Find sources that are independent of government and corporate money, and who have shown themselves to be very, very reliable, even though not perfect, for years. Sign up to their newsletters and leverage all of their research and discernment to get real and ethical feeds on your devices on a daily basis. How would I find those? Here’s an extensive list to choose from.
Don’t Despair Over What’s Not True
Second, I encourage you to be willing to let go of unfounded fears that have been torturing you. “Human-made global warming” is a concocted nothing-burger, a ruse to get you to go along with a one-world, technocratic, communist government system. Pollution is a serious problem which needs to be addressed, but “Climate Change” isn’t. Here’s some of my research that clarifies this. (A decade of research in a 20-minute read that has been repeatedly confirmed.)
Mr. Trump Is Not a Fascist or a War Monger
Third, Trump is not a fascist. He’s not Hitler. He’s not a warmonger or a dictator. He’s not going to destroy democracy. In fact, he has a chance to restore it from its biggest threats… the deep state, the central bankers, the would-be communists, and the Democratic Party who have all been actually doing the things that they accuse him of. That is standard Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals socialist strategy and tactics. Trump is crass and macho, and not very eloquent or deeply principled. But he does love America and especially its people. He is a dealmaker and a winner. He has exhibited a depth of resiliency and courage that characterizes a potential real leader.
Two wrongs don’t make a right, but sometimes a double negative makes a positive. If you were lied to about Climate Change, the real origins of the war in Ukraine, the threat of Donald Trump… and then the liars failed in their ability to dupe the masses into compliance, you may well find out soon that things are way better than you had hoped!
This election result is not just a matter of ineffectual and unprepared candidates for both President and VP. For most this was a repudiation of four years of doing everything possible to destroy the country, and for those in the know, a rejection of the blackmail, bribery, and covert coercion of the socialist agenda and the Chinese Communist Party itself (which has had such influence over the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, Joe and Hunter Biden, Newsom, Swalwell and Feinstein.)
The Republicans were outspent almost 3 to 1, but enough American individuals saw through the Biden dementia cover-up, the Hitler accusations, DEI, ESG, the covert trans operations on children, legalized crime sprees, and the men in girls’ sports, not to mention the brutal and unnecessary foreign wars, the money printing destruction of the purchasing power of the dollar, and the intentional open border invasion to destroy our communities, rights and economy.
Now there’s a dream team (Kennedy, Ramaswamy, Gabbard, Musk, Paul, along with Rogan, Brand, Taibbi, Smith, Greenwald, Dore, Sachs, Johnson, Jordan, Massie, Lake, Owen, Rubin, Fitts and more…) coalescing around truth, freedom, health, efficiency, security, and prosperity. They have come together around protecting the rights of everyone, including the middle-class, and that’s a lot stronger than another celebrity endorsement from the Diddy crowd. This league of avengers can help hold the Donald’s ego in check and his integrity to the true north of moral integrity.
We are looking at a probable “penta-fecta” with the Executive, the House, the Senate, the popular vote and the Supreme Court all aligned. That will help optimize the efficiency of actually getting back to reality, equality of opportunity, clean food, air and water, honest money, liberated learning, truth media and no entanglements in imperialist foreign wars.
Swamp creatures are going to be scuttling for the shadows, resigning from their jobs, hiring lawyers, and leaving the country to avoid prosecution for the illegal and immoral cruelties that they have been inflicting on so many through fraud, clot shots, pedophilia, crime and war.
Hopefully, now the path has been cleared to getting out of NATO, the UN, the WHO, crypto suppression, infliction of central-bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and global domination under the guise of international pandemic treaties.
Look out, Deep State. The sun is up and the disinfection is beginning.
By the way, I am very aware of potential problems and pitfalls of a Trump administration — such as unclarity about a women’s authority over her own body, fracking pollution, toxic vaccines, lockdowns and support for Gaza genocide. We are looking at a “relatively preferable” option for a transition stage toward a voluntary society.
This next wakeup will be even more challenging. It will be to see through the myth of authority itself, as I have addressed in both THRIVE movies and hundreds of blogs. We are beginning to become aware of and take a stand against the covert corruption of government and banking. But government itself is an immoral usurpation of others’ rights — claiming a fraudulent, unsigned “social contract” in order to rule, robbing people of their money (taxation and inflation), and sending people’s children off to kill or be killed in the name of war profiteering, resource robbery, and the coercive installation of fraudulent fiat, fractional and Federal Reserve Rothschild central-bank systems.
That next quantum leap in moral coherence can take us to a whole new undreamt-of quality for a thriving humanity. Here’s the clip from THRIVE II, showing a partial list of what goes away when we actually transcend the whole notion of involuntary government.