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Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Master Kuthumi and I have been known as one of the 3 Wizard Kings, as Melchior. I greet you all and it’s my first time entering as Melchior with Emanuel and Pastora.
I wanted to clarify a little bit our role when Yeshua, Sananda came into this world, we were not Magi as we were labeled. We are Great consciousnesses of light who came to assist Master Sananda, Yeshua. Most of all, our role was to balance and support their energy.
The energy of this Great Being, is quite intense, very strong energy. We brought yes, some goodies for the Great King that was born. That’s what they call this Great Avatar, who came to the planet with a very special mission, its very high atomic field, its very intense energy, its very high frequency, it was a matter of adjustment.
We knowing quantum truth, all the handling of quantum energy, come to make the pertinent adjustments throughout your body. We were guided by, our fellow missionaries pointing to us the place where the great King was, who was coming on a Very Special Mission, to anchor a Network of Christ Consciousness on the Planet.
That was his Great Mission and to bring us love, to teach us that the most important thing is love. Love yourself and love for neighbor which is next. The Universal Law of love had to be understood and comprehended on the planet where anarchy reigned. Where hatred, domination, control reigned, where the people where they were born were subjected to that empire, just as the planet is subjected today, to the empire of hidden government.
In those times the hidden government was the Roman Empire, which shed a lot of blood, even that of the Great King, that of the Great Avatar who came for his people to teach, to anchor that great energy with his beloved. Because they both came, but her experiences no one, no one recounts.
We too were and went to witness his birth, to balance his energy, his atomic field. Let’s remember that the great Master arrived in the age of Pisces where the dominance of male energy, which then empires turned it into complete machismo, which today predominates mainly in society, even in the consciences of many beings of light.
Full energy needs to be balanced, and we did that with Yeshua and Miriam of Magdala. Both energies, the masculine and the feminine have to balance it, and have to release, releasing everything that the age of Pisces left, transformed and left of the masculine energy translating and balancing it, both, because both are necessary.
Balance masculine and feminine energy. All men and women at the level of their physiognomy have both energies. That does not mean that man will cease to be a man and woman will cease to be a woman. Because the energy in balance is the energy in neutral point of both energies and that is where the great being is expressed, in that balance.
Well my beloved, I wanted to comment on this, because we are in these dates that mankind has taken for these celebrations. And I wanted to clarify a little to you the role that we had in coming here to accompany, and to attend the Great Project of the coming of our Great Sananda.
I hope they understand and stop seeing us neither as kings nor as magicians. We were great consciousness of light that we came in this service, to witness the coming of the Grand Master in his coming to this planet on a Great Mission.
We said our goodbyes. I say goodbye, if there are three more, it’s four that accompany Melchior.
I bid farewell, I am Melchor, Master Kuthumi.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -27/12/2024