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We are on a journey mounted on the back of Alcael, our beloved and faithful Dragon of the Fountain. Alcael is always in our hearts. We are in a very cozy place, in a very beautiful place, very modern, aerodynamic with many very beautiful shapes, with tall buildings, round at the top, very beautiful.
We are on Uranus, a planet of great light. On the back of Alcael we can appreciate the beauty of this beautiful city. We get to know the whole city.
The City is called Uralink, it is one of the main cities of the planet Uranus, and it is located in the 7th dimension. Many very beautiful places with mid-rise buildings, towers. In the skies we can see many ships, a lot of light. We visualize people walking through the streets, all in human form, tall, very tall, slender. We see adults and children accompanied by their parents.
There is life just as there is here on the planet, there are places of recreation. There is no evil, everything is in harmony. Some watch us on our Dragon. There are other dragons there too.
We are in our Merkabic bodies next to Alcael and we head towards a square, a very bright and spacious place where many beings are seen enjoying the peaceful moment. Alcael leaves us for a moment.
In that place, we are struck by two beings with whom we connect telepathically. The hearts of each other are interconnected and it kind of calls us and we establish a telepathic connection. They greet us by our names, Emanuel and Pastora, where they left Alcael asks the lady. We told him that Alcael left us for a moment and that he will soon return.
We connect more deeply and are told, you are us and we are you. We are the same essence, we are the same. We are in this life here on this planet, but you and we are the same.
My name is Emanuel just like you, and she is called Pastora just like Pastora, she is the same being, the same essence. We wanted to meet, because the time has come to unify all of us, all the fractals of the same being. We have family here on Uranus. We have two sons, who are also your sons.
Understand that the Universe works like this and you know it. It is an encounter that had to take place for you to recognize that you are multidimensional, multi-frequency beings, who are scattered on all planets, in all places.
Like you, the whole system is in a process of elevation as well and that is why the time has come to unify, picking up fractals. Here on Uranus they have their family. Here on Uranus you are and we are there, from here we also assist you, from within from the heart, we all have a connection to that network.
That’s where Alcael arrived.
I want you to greet Mother Mahindra on our behalf.
We have a greenish complexion, very tall, we move in light, in our merkabas. Go calmly Emanuel and Pastora, we continue, when the time comes we will reintegrate and contribute all our experience to our Main Monad where we come from.
We say goodbye with great love and a big hug.
Alcael lifts us up, we say goodbye to Uranus and we leave a little sad to leave them and return to Alcael.
We take the hole that leads us back to our world, to this space.
We thank Alcael.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServiUM
ERKS -20/2/2025