Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, May 30th, 2020
Message from the Angels |
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My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Many of you are empathic. You feel the world deeply. You feel its fears, its upsets, and hopefully its love and hopefulness as well. You may know intellectually that you’re not afraid of the virus, yet from time to time you feel fear. You may know you’re not by nature an angry soul and yet you find yourself more irritable and a less tolerant than usual. You may feel hopeful, excited about the future, and grateful to be alive, one moment, then in the next, frustrated with yourself when worries or guilt creep in. Be kind to yourselves dear ones. There is massive growth going on in the human race and in each of your hearts as you raise your collective vibration. You are growing beyond anything you have ever experienced, into a dimension of interconnectedness beyond your wildest dreams. You are growing into a vibration where you will more quickly see the results of the energies you are emitting into the universe – where you have a chance to manifest in ways you have not before. You are moving into a vibration where love is valued more than stuff, and where compassion is valued more than being “right.” Right now, however, it is a breach and bumpy birthing. As greater light arises within each of you it is flushing out the darkness – the old stuffed fears, tears, upsets, worries, guilts – you name it! Think of running clear water through an old pipe. At first all you will see is the gunk washing out. Flow long enough and the clear and pure water will reveal itself. The feelings are further compounded because you are feeling the world. Your anger will feel amplified by the world’s vibration of frustration. Your fear will seem stronger for the same reason. So too with your sadness, your pain, and also, happily, your joy! No matter what you feel, you are feeling the vibration in the mass consciousness that matches your own feelings, even more strongly. There is no escaping from yourselves. There is no escaping your connection with one another. It is time dear ones to remember this simple mantra: Reveal • Feel • Heal • See & Be Free Reveal: This pandemic has put you in situations where you are not in control. You’ve had to “be” with yourself without distractions. You’ve had to get to know yourself better. All of life has conspired to bring to the surface the things that you’ve stuffed. You’re seeing your hopes and dreams more clearly. You’re seeing your desire for connection, you fears, your upsets, your loneliness, your light and your brilliance. All your old feelings about these feelings are coming up too! Do you feel shame or blame for being upset over petty things when people are dying? We would never shame you for your feelings. Do you feel guilt for feeling amazing? We would only encourage you to feel joy. Do you feel sad that in order to feel happy you have to walk away from a situation that never quite worked anyway? We celebrate your awakening. Feel: There is only one thing to do with all these emotions, dear ones. Be with them. Feel them deeply. Send love to the parts of self that don’t feel so great. Send encouragement to the powerful and light filled parts and tell them to shine without guilt. Imagine you are talking to people inside you, for indeed you are talking to aspects of your own soul that got pushed deep within, and were ignored or unloved. It is time to sit with these unloved parts of your soul and heal them. Heal: As you acknowledge your feelings, you begin to heal. As you love yourself through your frustrations, your fears, your loneliness, your guilt, your tantrums, and in your glorious magnificent light without shame or guilt for being in your power, you heal. Love heals. All that is coming up within you simply wants to be acknowledged and loved. Try not to distract yourself. Try not to fall into old behaviors that allow you to avoid your feelings. Feel yourself deeply and love yourself – all of you. It is in self-love and self-acceptance that you become more whole, elevate your vibration, and feel your connection to the loving Source ever more deeply. See & Be Free: Observe the desires arising within you. Observe the changes you desire in your life. Grant yourself permission to dream the dreams that you’ve pushed aside. Allow yourselves to fantasize about lives you haven’t a clue how to create. Even when you feel constrained by the “rules” externally, find your freedom internally. Stop censoring your soul. Stop sorting out “acceptable” vs. “unacceptable” dreams. Even if you wear a face mask, take off the mask of the false persona and let others see who you really are. Connect with your eyes, and more importantly with your hearts. Be kind to yourselves as you move forward into uncharted futures. Be sensitive to yourself. Feel your feelings. As they are revealed, love them and help them heal. Dream your dreams. Be your authentic self. You are dropping the confines you have placed around your own hearts and the walls you’ve created between hearts. You are unmasking your true selves, willing at long last to step forth into the world as the unique, beautiful, bright, and loving lights that you truly are. Enjoy the journey of your birthing dear ones, even if it is a messy and challenging. Our love is with you every day. Our guidance is with you. We never judge you, always love you, and lovingly ask you to grant yourselves the same unconditional acceptance as you move forward. Revealing your feelings is healing. You are freeing your spirits from the things that blocked you from feeling love. As you do so, you uplift yourselves and the entire human race. God Bless You! We love you so very much. |