Archangel Michael: You have my Sword

Archangel Michael: You have my Sword

Channel: Vania Rodriguez | Source


My sword had been in this place for a long time. Preparing, cleaning this entire environment for everything that will happen here today. What is important is not what will happen; That’s how it will happen. Every heart here today must effectively be a heart. But that heart is illuminated, plump, plump with so much Light. Because we will work a lot on the Light today.

You are very immersed in nature. And this environment, this energy, is bringing each one of you more energy of Light. And what I hope here today is that each one knows how to donate, knows how to be present. Not being present, looking into space. Not being present looking at the other person, whether they are badly dressed or well dressed. Simply be present in your being, in your essence.

Let’s leave the gossip, the comments, for another day. Afterwards, you will have plenty of time to comment on everything that happened. It is important that today, everyone, knows how to donate a little, for so many who are in need on the planet. We will not be here looking for “A” or “B”. There is a planet to be taken care of. There is a planet to be helped. And that is what I expect from each of you today. The presence in body and spirit of each person.

I said a while ago that those I didn’t want wouldn’t come. And they really didn’t come. And not because I have been authoritarian, as many call me, or because I have been bad. No, they were just people who were not within the divine order. They pretended to be enlightened, but deep down, they were trying to bring disorder and a little energy from those who don’t want to lose anything on the planet today. So today they are not here. I said they wouldn’t come and they didn’t.

But I hope that everyone who is here today, that everyone who arrived here today, with all the difficulties, doesn’t matter; May everyone at this moment be grateful to be able to be here. And why be grateful? Every date is not just a social gathering. It’s not just a time for us to introduce ourselves, say a lot of nice things and leave it at that.

Each encounter reverberates across the planet. It reverberates in many places. And this reverberation is our activity, we are the ones who do it. But energy needs to be created. And I count on each one of you today, so that this generation of energy can be multiplied by each one of us. And spread across this planet.

Gaia will be here today. Do not think that Gaia is smiling, because she is not. She doesn’t like to see her children suffering. As Father/Mother God doesn’t like it either. But each one makes their choices and each one receives the result of their choices.

So it is important, today, especially, that everyone is within their Divine Presence, as much as possible. But let those who still can’t connect with it be effectively present in the moment. Don’t let your thoughts fly. Don’t let thoughts take your brain to other places. Stay centered. And we’re going to have a great day today. Be sure of that.