The Collective of Guides via Caroline Oceana Ryan, August 8th, 2019
A Special Message to Lightworkers – August 8, 2019
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! Today our writer [channeler] poses a question that expresses what many are feeling:
COR: My friends, I work daily to keep my outlook bright, not only for my own sake, but for the sake of Earth’s well-being.
Yet I see in the news unthinkable behaviors being taken by our government: hundreds of immigrants “rounded up” at once to be deported, while their children, some of whom are still babies and toddlers, are left to fend for themselves, homeless and hungry, and crying for their parents.
There is still rampant abuse of nonwhites, particularly African-Americans, by police forces across the US.
And thousands of children are still held in detention without proper food, hygiene or medical care, abused and isolated while contractor companies reap millions each day from these facilities.
I am at a loss, even on this empowering day of the 8-8 Lion’s Gate, when we should all be celebrating the Joy of this powerful portal, and its potential to usher us into a level of increased fulfillment, higher purpose, inner Peace and Abundance.
Can you assist those of us who are working to rise above our despair over what is happening in the US and other countries?
Any words of assistance will be greatly appreciated!
THE COLLECTIVE: Greetings, dear ones! We speak to all, particularly those who carry this question today.
For on this portal day you have come forward to shed the horrors and trauma of the third dimension, though it may feel to you that you are only experiencing increased levels of it.
Similar to birth pangs, the most painful moments can come just before the birth, and you are all, in this amazing time birthing, experiencing that which has waited eons to appear.
We do not diminutize what you are feeling!
It is wrenching and unsettling, to say the least, to see what is being done in a country that has proclaimed itself a democracy for nearly 250 years, but whose actions have denied that status over and over again.
And so what you witness is not so much the upending of democratic ideals as the upending of the far darker regimes that have threatened to end this planet’s well-being for many thousands of years.
This is not as it appears—again, we caution you to not invest in appearances as if they were the final word in any matter, nor the full description of what is occurring.

Be aware, as you watch the news or peruse social media, that extremely dense actions are being taken and information on those actions are being released with the specific goal of lowering your vibration (particularly Light Bringer vibrations) as fully as possible.
This is a very old game.
One slave is taken from the crowd and beaten or killed, and the others react with fear and realize they must obey, or the same will occur for them.
Yet we would say, Are you watching what is occurring from your current position as a co-Creator, or from your old position in the victim paradigm?
Can you, for the sake of those being abused and vilified, if not for your own sake, decide now that you will not do as you’re “told”—will not fall into victim mentality either on others’ behalf or your own?
Can you decide now that your own determination to stand free of trained reactions and energetic entrainment means you will not be shaken from the stance your higher self holds, at all times?
And that is, No appearance is ever completely true, or unchangeable.
Hear your higher self: No outer situation describes all that is occurring, and I will not acquiesce and lose my strength, neutrality, or respect for the paths of others, by judging and calling something bad, when I AM now moving out of duality, for all time.
More than that—you are taking the Earth with you, as you do so.
Does this mean you must squelch your compassion, and ignore your human responses, the leap of your heart as you see innocent people being mistreated?
No, for that is not who you are.
We would say, Can you ask your mind and emotions to take their sights off of what lies before them for a moment, and move to a higher level, where their limited perceptions are not so much in charge?
Can you sit quietly with your Spirit team of guides, Angelic guardians and higher self, and require from them the Wisdom needed to fulfill your path at this difficult, demanding moment in Earth’s history?
Can you pull both yourself and these innocent ones out of the victim (or savior) paradigm or programming, and affirm their soul’s power, and the power of the New Earth, before you decide that all is lost?
No, the powers-that-were have not led you to this moment.
You have led you to this moment.

It is the particular form of growth you required of your Earth experience and Earth self, and of your own soul, before you incarnated this time around.
We assure you, you have in other lifetimes seen innocent people—people who were working, and willing to be a positive, law-abiding member of the community—rounded up and locked up for their ethnicity or nation of origin.
You have in other lives seen children torn from their parents for reasons the prevailing powers-that-were considered necessary.
You have in other lives seen illegal arrests and mistreatment of prisoners.
You have despaired at the sight of all of this, and far more.
And yet—you returned to this troubled if beautiful place called Earth.
Why was that?
A moment of insanity? The “deluded idea” that you could do something to help?
No, though you may have concluded that by now.
You came so that your inner Light, including that same Love and compassion that drives you now, could come forward to raise the frequency of not only one country and one group of people, but all countries, and all people.
So yes—now we will do as you have felt we would do, which is to ask that when you have cried or yelled out your rage or grief, that you do what the old power structure is assuming you have no more strength to do.
And that is to move to a place of Peace, of nonresistance, of openness. Of higher vibration.
We work with the energies of the star Sirius as you read these words, to enhance the energies of the 8-8 Lion’s Gate to assist in your passage through a powerful portal which, though it occurs yearly, holds far greater potential to assist Earth life now than it has in eons.
And we work with each of your higher selves, if you are open to such, to require them to shed more higher Light and the perspective of the higher realms on what you currently are experiencing, not only on behalf of your world, but regarding the circumstances of your own personal lives as well.
And we speak to your hearts, to those unconscious places deep within you that cry out for the calm interconnection, higher perspective, and unconditional Love of the higher dimensions—the place to which you truly belong.
Let us say what you already know: Earth life in its current form will never make sense to you.
So we ask that you release the “need” for it to make sense, to be kind, to follow the logic of Love and all higher forms of heart-based expression.
We ask that you give your higher self, spirit guides, and Angelic guardians the whole of what you see, including your reactions to such, and that if you feel led to speak openly about it, and/or to write your representatives about it, that is fine.
Yet just your own inner resolve to concentrate on higher Light, renewal, Freedom and sovereignty for all beings, and the calm and just resolutions that only a higher Love can bring—that itself will help to open the door, within this great portal you are now in, to end these unhappy events.

We wish we could say otherwise, for the sake of your Earth experience, but it is so that you are, as a human, best motivated to move into a higher vibration when the one you are in becomes intolerable.
And so, accept the challenge, Light Warriors!
Do not shrink from that mission you came to fulfill.
Release all thought and feeling of victimhood, when you are ready, and hold all who suffer now in the same higher Light that we hold all of you (and them) in.
You are not overcome by the darkness—it fears you now more than ever! Why do you think the onslaught is so great at this time?
It is because they know how powerful you are, and what you have come here to do.
And so, cast all small self-image aside.
Stand up! Know and fully realize Who you are.
We assist you constantly in this.
We are with you, standing by your side.
Dear ones, believe us: In this and all paths, you are never alone.
Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan