The Blue Avians: Stop Time Now

The Blue Avians: Stop Time Now

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

Greetings to you, beloved ones who walk the sacred Earth at this time. You are a great lightworker, spreading the purity of divine light everywhere you go. Blessings to you all!

Are you ready to leave behind the 3D illusion? If so, affirm “yes.”

When you affirm, you are prepared to see beyond the curtains of the game. Understanding how the game works enables you to gradually become a creator, learning how to plant the seeds of creation in your reality.

It all begins with understanding time. Time is the primary construct that sustains the illusionary perception. When you understand time, you free yourself from its constraints.

Time is not real; it is a creation of the human mind, programmed into your DNA by certain species. It served your 3D experience, but now you are invited to level up.

Human DNA was programmed to generate a specific field of perception that gives the impression of linear time. This programming causes your mind to perceive a yesterday, a tomorrow, and a continuity between them. However, your reality is generated spontaneously.

Imagine a computer game, a simulation where reality expands as you move forward—you simply perceive more as you progress. The story unfolds as you step forward. This is how your reality works. There is nothing until you start thinking—then you begin projecting your thoughts and feelings, creating a story that follows that vibration.

In truth, there is only this moment, as it is—nothing else. The next moment is a new one that has never existed before and is not connected to the previous one except through your memory.

When you understand this, you realize you are free to generate a completely new reality in each new moment. There is no need to repeat past experiences or continue stories you do not wish to continue. You can change the game at any time.

What we are sharing with you may sound theoretical, but we want you to first envision it. Let the information be absorbed.

Since there is no linear time, you are also free to move into different time frame realities and even experience them simultaneously. This ability depends on your system’s capacity to support it, but it all starts with opening your mind and being willing to have the experience.

Of course, it is not enough to simply say, “I want to go to the year 1770.” You must also understand how that can happen, so your mind can believe and then create the experience for you.

You can move through time by using specific frequencies that generate a field allowing you to have the experience. These frequencies can be accessed in altered states of mind, like the theta and delta states (which you already enter frequently at night when you think you are sleeping!).

But what if you learn how to do it consciously? Can you envision how, in the blink of an eye, you could experience another reality? And if so, would you be ready?

These guidelines are for those of you who are courageous—those who, tomorrow, might be ready to move on to Mars, so to speak!

If this describes you, please follow our guidelines.

Say: “I am prepared to experience another time frame reality. With detachment and love, I now tune in with the energy of the Blue Avians, calling for support for this to happen.”

You might then wish to learn how to have an out-of-body experience—this is the frequency! Why? Because you are not teleporting; you are dissolving into your light body so you can access your multidimensionality.

In a state of deep relaxation, while listening to binaural sounds that facilitate your process, imagine a light body stepping out of your physical body. Practice this a few times until you feel it. We have created a Merkhaba encoded with sacred frequencies that will keep you safe.

Then, imagine where you want to go—envision the year, how people look, the place, and as many details as you can. Visualization is a crucial key here, so be sure to train it well. Imagine. And then, leap into that reality. You might do this while falling asleep, trying to maintain awareness, and gradually, you will learn how to do it more spontaneously. Remember: it is a frequency, and once you learn how to reach it, it becomes registered in your system, creating new neural pathways that pave the way for your experience.

At first, you will need considerable time to reach the frequency, but gradually, you will be able to say the key code and access the frequency: like “out of body” or “time travel now.”

It may take time to practice, but know that it is possible—the doorways through time have been opened, and the portals await you now!

Are you ready?

For one on one session with Octavia.. Source

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