Inger Noren Channels Her Higher Self – Happy New Year, December 26th, 2022
To my followers on the blog
I would like to thank you for reading my messages and hopefully being touched by them. It is so very important to know that Earth is on its way to a higher dimension. Due to major changes, it will become increasingly turbulent in the world and Sweden in particular. Virus attacks will also hit our country again and also vaccine attacks as I actually have to call them.
It is good if you are prepared with some food, water, tealights for a few weeks. No one knows how long this condition will last, but count on severe cold, high prices for electricity and for food. Have some money in different denominations if it is not possible to pay by card due to closed banks.
It will be difficult months ahead before things get better and then it will be all the better for everyone. It is important to be patient and not be so afraid of viruses because it can lower the immune system.
I also hope that my blog will be without attacks from the dark ones. I would like to continue to inform everyone about what is happening in our country and in the rest of the world.
I also want to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR.