JOSEPH FROM SLAVE TO COUNSELOR OF THE GREAT PHARAOH ~ YOU ARE THE JOSEPH OF THESE TIMES. Free yourselves from the Slavery that surrendered to This Regime.
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In the days of Egypt, the one whom his brothers sold as a slave and that slave went to work in the castle of the King Pharaoh. At those times a very large drought was approaching the whole area, and none of the fortune-teller from the King’s Council of Advisers, Pharaoh, could give him any convincing explanation as to what to do with the drought that would plague Egypt.
They called the great Joseph because he knew how to interpret the great Pharaoh’s dream about this situation. The Great Dream Pharaoh Had Was About The Drought That Would Come For All Egypt. None of the wise advisers could interpret the dream, except Joseph, and thus free the people from this famine from the drought that would come.
I bring this to you, because many have sold themselves into slavery of this system, of this planetary regime, which keeps them in slavery without realizing it, are slaves of the system. They live for the system, for the system and the system dominates them, envelops them. And they do not know their inner potential, the powers they possess internally as beings of light, as children of the Great Father Mother.
But they stay there slaves, until the time comes that they can begin to use those powers and realize that they can go beyond that slavery, that they can free themselves, let go using their inner powers, that inner power they have.
Because you are actually the Joseph of those days. They can interpret the world, the situations they live from within, from their heart to free themselves. To liberate yourself from that regime slavery.
You can be the very Pharaohs of your lives. The directors, the planning, the foreseeing, the building. Those who build their lives by freeing themselves from that slavery, just as Joseph became a slave, to Pharaoh’s Great Counselor.
The Great Pharaoh, is the Great Father Mother. We are him in this reality, because we have in our hearts the pure and Divine essence to liberate us, to free us from the great slavery where we are, to be free, to become the great messengers, advisers of the divine goodness for this planet, to this reality.
Slavery is in the head, in the mind and it doesn’t leave them. Start, start loosing everything that binds them, everything that connects them to the invisible threads with which they handle, like puppets, like puppet. Start to cut all that off and let the expansion of the heart, act, let your inner being guide you to fullness, to light, to the true universal essence, so that you may be ambassadors of the Great King Lord of Lords, our Great Father Mother Adonai.
I make this call to you all, so that in this new cycle that begins to work internally, to release that bondage and expand into the shining light of the Almighty, Omnipotent Father Mother Adonai.
I bid farewell, I am Joseph and in the times of Yeshua, I was his brother too.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -31/12/2024
Ishtar Ashtar Adonai