ASCENSION UPDATE: Collective consciousness must change

The current events around the US election 2020 are the best-case scenario to achieve an unprecedented awakening of the population on a massive scale.
Ascension is a process that has different stages.
The first step on the path to Ascension is the awakening from the matrix. This is achieved the moment an individual begins to question the system.
When people are clearly shown the corruption and that things are not at all what they were told to be, the mind is triggered to think.
We live in a brainwashed society throughout the entire world where people were programmed to cling to certain belief systems.
Humanity is conditioned to believe what they have been taught.
The educational system on our planet is designed to destroy a person's ability to engage in critical thinking.
Toxins like fluoride have calcified the pineal gland to suppress the mind from thinking outside the box.
Thus, when people think they are critical thinkers, they are still following a blueprint. The human mind is infiltrated, and humans are stuck in their matrix programming. Even when confronted with undeniable facts, they will aggressively hold on to their false beliefs.
But when their belief-systems crush in front of the eyes of the world and they see themselves left with nothing to cling to, a part of the brain that has been lying dormant is activated.
Questions about those in power arise, and naturally, answers are delivered.
This is where the human being shifts in frequency, and the awakening process begins.
Everything in this world and particularly the human mind, is controlled by frequency.
If we want this world to change, frequency must shift.
What the world is witnessing since March 2020 is the reeducation of humanity that is supposed to inevitably change their frequency to help them break out of the matrix programming.
As long as the collective consciousness holds on to their programming, nothing can change.
Understand that the stretching out of the US election will bring a major shift in frequency for humanity.
So does the implementation of stricter Covid rules and regulations.
How much does it take for people to get in touch with their emotions? Emotions are what connect you to the spiritual body. A spiritual being sees things as they are, not as they are told to see.
How much does it take to question the authorities? A person that does not back down from their questions cannot be controlled.
You cannot be enslaved if you can't be controlled. And control is no longer possible if people do not believe the lies anymore.
If you are woke and can't understand why things do not proceed faster, you must understand that the critical mass of awakened people must be achieved first.
When enough people of earth's population are waking and clearly see through all the deceit, abuse, lies, corruption, and all the hidden darkness, the system of control will collapse. Hence, the third-dimensional matrix will cease to exist.
An awakened mind cannot be controlled. This is the bottom line.
The planet is ascending, but we cannot jump over the necessary stages.
Awakening comes first, followed by the total destruction of a system of frequency control.
The people of earth are about to learn what the NEWS anchors pretending to bring the truth into their homes indeed are. They will know that it's nothing more than a puppet show.
News anchors and reporters are no more than actors and actresses, the children and grandchildren of those who have enslaved humanity and fed off their essence.
The only thing that keeps their show going day after day is the collective consciousness that believes in what is being broadcasted.
Imagine, for a moment, a scenario in which people worldwide do not believe the MSM anymore. They turn off their TVs, don't buy the newspaper, and don't listen to the radio for another minute.
What would happen if everyone eliminated their TVs? What will happen when people are told the unbiased truth?
The system would change. Inevitably.
This is where humanity is headed. Every single event in 2020 served this sole purpose.
The great awakening of earth is imminent.
An ending brings a new beginning, and before the new earth can begin, the old world must die.
Do not allow yourself to be disheartened by anything you hear in the news. And do not get dragged down when anticipated events like the arrests of cabal members are not happening when someone says they're happening now.
Understand that those 13 bloodlines who held power over earth are no longer in control. If they were, none of what's happening now could be possible.
Again, know you're watching a replay of what's already happened, but we're living in a free-will zone, and every individual must choose to awaken. It cannot be forced on them.
The awakening is happening big time.
This is the divine plan, and there is nothing that can stop what's happening.
Allow people to awaken to truth. We are rapidly reaching critical mass. The human collective consciousness is shifting at unprecedented WARP speed.
5D is the frequency of unconditional love; you need light to access this love. Light is what comes first. Light is the information of truth.
Lean back and relax. Enjoy the show of the great awakening of humanity.
Remember, everything is a show, after all, until we rise above the fearmongering and smile at the most exciting times to be alive on planet earth.
This is the great Ascension of earth and all Her sentient life. It's all part of the plan.
Victory of Light!
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation