Greetings from Galactic Heart. . . |
A powerful weekend with cosmic events ~~ Snow Moon, a Lunar Eclipse and the New Year Comet. Any one of these events is very powerful, but for all three of them to be occurring at the same time is monumental. The tumultuous time we live in demands that we exercise our power (LOVE) while utilizing all the gifts Heaven is providing. Please read and consider adding your energies to the events outlined below from Patricia Cota-Robles and Jonathan Goldman. Truly, Together we are Victorious! |
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Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for February... Spreading Love Not Fear ~~~How We Can Shift Our Fear to LoveFeeling overwhelmed by today's constant barrage of fear?The power of Love can free us to prepare for announcements and our shift to full consciousness. |
Topics include...• Dark Cabal's agenda to manipulate us with fear Sunday, February 19, 12 to 1:30 p.m. PSTand/or Thursday, February 23, 6 to 7:30 p.m. PSTTalk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer Seats are Limited... Register Now!To make payment and register: Click Here Cost: $15.00 U.S. |
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There is a powerful synchronistic alignment occurring in the Heavens this weekend that will give ALL of us the opportunity to add greatly amplified frequencies of Light to whatever it is we are striving to cocreate in our own life and the lives of Humanity. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by. Beginning today and expanding through the weekend we will be blessed with the Snow Moon, a Lunar Eclipse and the New Year Comet. Any one of these events is very powerful, but for all three of them to be occurring at the same time is monumental. The Snow Moon is the Full Moon that occurs in February. This is the month that usually records the highest levels of snowfall in the Northern Hemisphere. Snow is one of the most purifying substances used by the Elemental Kingdom to help dissipate Humanity’s miscreations. The New Year Comet will move across the sky on February 11, 2017. Comets shake the Ethers and break down the crystallization of heavy and discordant thoughtforms. In their wake they leave a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which we can encode the new patterns and thoughtforms that we are empowering. |
The Lunar Eclipse occurring this weekend will greatly enhance the affects of both the Snow Moon and the New Year Comet. The alignment of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon will open a Portal through the Sun which will allow more powerful frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light to bathe the Earth. The Company of Heaven has given us a powerful Activity of Light that is designed to magnetize the patterns of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance into the physical plane and the lives of Humanity. This is an amazingly powerful Gift from On High that will benefit anyone who has the Heart Call to participate in it. Here is a direct link to the YouTube video that guides us through the process of Cocreating Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance. |
This Light will intensify with every breath we take until the Solar Eclipse which will occur on February 26, 2017. The Solar Eclipse will exponentially increase the Light we have been invoking since the Lunar Eclipse on February 10th. The Company of Heaven said this influx of Light will accelerate Planet Earth’s Ascension into the Light a quantum leap. 15th Annual World Sound Healing DayValentine’s Day – A Day Dedicated to Love ~ February 14, 2017 |
In the midst of the powerful Eclipse Series I mentioned above, the 15th Annual World Sound Healing Day will take place. This will be cocreated by Lightworkers around the World on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2017. On that day, thousands of people in hundreds of cities throughout the planet will tone the sound “Ah” on the Holy Breath. This Sacred Tone is the Breath of the Heart and it is encoded with the energies of Light & Love in order to help bring a higher level of Divine Consciousness to the Earth. This event is being cocreated by Jonathan Goldman. Here is additional information from Jonathan. One of the focal times of this sounding is 12 noon New York Time (EST). But often people tone at noon in whatever time zone they are in. And they also sound whenever it feels appropriate. There are toning groups, concerts and many other activities that take place to bathe the Gaia Matrix—our beloved Mother Earth—with a sonic valentine to enhance our evolution. This year, in order to enhance the quantum energy of intentionalized sound, we are trusting that more and more people will take part in this event. Therefore, we are asking that people forward a short email to their groups to notify them of World Sound Healing Day or simply announce notification of this event in their newsletter. As a “thank you”, we will put your name (and logo if supplied) on the home page of World Sound Healing Day. Just let us know and we’ll send you a short notice that you can forward to your mailing list, putting your name as a co-sponsor of this event. Thanks so much for considering participating in this event in this manner. Those who create events are also listed on the World Sound Healing Day website. It is a powerful and important global experience that literally has the ability to create powerful and positive change. Remember, “Frequency + Intent = Healing: we heal the planet, we heal ourselves. We heal ourselves and we heal the planet.” Please send your logo to: Blessings of Light & Love through Sound to you. |
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