October’s theme: Birthing New Creations!

October’s theme: Birthing New Creations!

By Samantha Orthlieb | Source

Hello Beautiful Soul!

Great change is upon us and October will not disappoint with MANY celestial gateways and transmuting energies to propel us forward on our evolutionary path! An eclipse, comet, meteor showers and Super Full Moon along with other important portals/gateways are fueling our rebirth and calling us to our destiny.

This month we are able to heighten our inner knowing, our psychic clarity and intuition with these supportive, benevolent energies. As we do this we have the ability to fully respond to outside experiences (even if chaotic or fearful) with greater clarity, deeper heart listening and connection to our soul’s needs. Building on September’s breakthroughs in authentic truth, inner freedom and healthier sense of self-esteem, we now move into October to build on our intuition, creativity, and imagination to bring about alchemical, psychospiritual transformation and change.

Our sixth chakra, brow area, will clear/expand/rewire this month, giving us the opportunity to sidestep the ego, and open up our vibrational field to the universal energy field to receive psychic and intuitive information to support our path forward.

As well, our 9th Blue Star chakra will activate at higher frequencies engaging us in divine karmic freedom, thus allowing new opportunities/supportive people/places that align with our divine blueprint.

Our soul and body will fill with more Light, raising our vibration and moving us into this new timeline more rapidly.

The two, 6th chakra archetypes to assist us in October are The Sage and The Alchemist. The Sage supports us to make personal decisions with clarity, purpose and intuitive insight. This releases us from confusion, depression, memory loss, mental busyness/congestion and personal stagnation. The Alchemist assures transformation of the inner Self when we embrace our life experiences as a means for ascension and self mastery, NOT for the fear-based or exulted behaviour of the ego. This archetype encompasses the deep understanding that we have the inner power to change our current, personal reality, by shedding the victim and being accountable and responsible, while bringing about the changes that are necessary as we courageously release the old.

Embodying these two archetypes will support us, and ground us, to live with more purpose, harmony and balance during this very fragile and chaotic time in the world.