New Earth Replacing the Old

New Earth Replacing the Old

By Judith Kusel | Source

I have stood in the last two weeks, on power spots of the earth, which are literally 435 millions of years old, and felt the Earth intensely. So often I just stood there and tuned in – my mind totally still, breathing in the silence, stillness, the incredible beauty, the majesty, yet at the very same moment, becoming aware of the New Earth replacing the old. Yet all was one, past, present, future flowing into one.

I was shown how, the New Earth is incorporating the BEST of the Old, and whatever then is not synchronizing, not blending in, not transfiguring, then simply becoming recycled into something else. No-thing is lost – it is merely changing form.

I so often stood at loss for words, but my soul and heart were overflowing. I was experiencing awe and wonder, marveling at it all.

Grandeur. For creation in grandeur, it is majesty, it surpasses all human words – it is best FELT deep within the heart and soul!

For the new YOU is forming in your heart and soul. It is forming there in the very depths, the lengths, the breadths, the immensely expansive YOU, you have always been since time immortal when you were first birthed as soul, within your own soul grouping.

It is there within your very SOUL.

Feel into this. For these words which I am writing are energetically touching your heart and soul with deep remembrance! I want you to deeply feel into them, for you are in the here and now A TOTALLY NEW CREATION!

The Old you, exists no more, except in the illusions of your own mind.

The New You, is the cosmic you, your own soul, and now, all the skills, the ineffable soul knowledge of your own soul, and the guidance within, is what will assist you to cocreate the new life beginning right here and now. Not in the nebulous future! NOW!

You have been trained for this, prepared for this, for millennia of earth years.

Now we move forward, step by step, transcending the old ways, the old things, the old, and creating the new. Yet that new, is there formed within our hearts and souls firstly, and then manifesting into form and being, always in the highest and best ways, with love, for the highest good of all.

We sow the seeds of unity, love and oneness where ever we go.

We leave golden footprints in the heart and soul of all we encounter and in the new earth.

We now cocreate from the innocence, the inherent goodness within our true souls, and from the heart, with love.

More than this, we are grateful for every single living moment for being alive – for life itself is a gift, especially at this time.

And when the old things, the old, rants its last cries and tries to throw its old worn nets out to try and capture us again, we simply look down with love and thank it all for serving us, even as we claim our new freedom, with love and joy, and hold the vision of the new age in our hearts, in our very wombs, and cherish and nurture it into form and being.