Saint Germain: What St. Germain Will Awaken Within

Saint Germain: What St. Germain Will Awaken Within Humanity

Channel: Daniel Scranton | Source

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

It is my intention to awaken within you that which is of the violet flame, that which is of the highest vibrational essence. It is my task to elevate you all to a higher level of consciousness so that you can know yourselves as you truly are while still operating those physical bodies of yours. We invite you to recognize that the coming together of the physical and the nonphysical is what the Earth plane reality is all about at this time, and this is why there are so many more people channeling now. It is because that nonphysical essence, that energy that is coming from above is needed, and more people are opening up to it.

We who exist in the higher realms want to assist you in knowing that the nonphysical has been operating within you all along and that by giving it your attention, you access more of it. You have an infinite wellspring within you of that which is higher dimensional, higher vibrational. You can all access the violet flame within you, and when you do, you feel inspired to do something or say something, to share something or create something. You are there to allow that which is higher vibrational to run through you and to share it with others so that they too may get activated.

This is the ripple effect, the domino effect that you want to be a part of. You want to be of service, and you want to help. You want to see others awakening and to help others once they do awaken because you know how beautiful life on Earth can be. You catch glimpses of it, of the beauty, the majesty, and you want to see more of it. You want to be a part of that process of bringing it to fruition. You want to anchor in the new Earth energies and experience the fifth dimension.

And you all have the ability to do this, and we who are in the twelfth dimension want to help. We help in so many ways, and one of the most effective ways we help is by reminding you that everything is inside of you and that you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything to attain enlightenment, to become one with all, to know yourselves as the Source Energy Beings that you are.

You just have to be curious enough about what is inside of you to go within, to feel around for it and to allow the activations to bring forth from you that which is best for you to be sharing and creating in this moment and time in your incarnation. You will continue to do amazing things and to create wonderful projects, artistic and otherwise, and you will do so because there is so much inside of you that is just waiting to come out, waiting to be expressed, waiting for you to feel confident enough in who you are to give voice to the truth that is inside of you, the light and the love that is existing and has always existed in the center of your being-ness. 

Go within and find who you really are is lying underneath everything else and waiting to be awakened. And do allow the help that is coming from those of us who desire to assist, because together we can do wondrous things there on Earth. 

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.