The Collective of Guides via Caroline Oceana Ryan, February 7th, 2020
Per Staffan February 8, 2020
A Message to Lightworkers – February 7, 2020
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
We see you being brave and wanting to feel inspired as you go through your day of fulfilling various work and family duties while paying bills, and working to be healthy in mind, body, emotions, and spirit.
Through all that you are seeing the world in its varying forms—staying well-informed, yet not allowing any one situation to vex or dishearten you entirely.
And we are aware that amidst these new energies, you increasingly feel another form of motivation, as you realize that you can, if you wish, revise your entire life along new and higher lines.
The first question the modern person will ask is, “How?” and we would say, the How is up to you, according to the imagery and energy-shifting skills you prefer to use or to learn now.
Many are finding in moments of meditation that they are stepping into a new view of themselves they have never seen before.
Sometimes this is a memory of life in the higher realms, in which they see that they are able to move energy by imaging clouds of color or Light.
Or they see that they are able to release interferences and density in their energies by imaging them dissolving into a cloud of Light or a brilliant flame.
You do not have to name each interference or heaviness in order to release them, you are finding.
You simply have to look at the outer situation and realize, “There is density here. I want to dissolve this at its root,” even if you don’t remember the original intention that put you in that circumstance.

Others are discovering a new connection to Nature and a new intrinsic understanding that the same energy that flows through the trees, grass, or water runs through your individual essence as well.
And realizing that beyond that connection, there is Oneness that has not quite been realized before.
Some of you are stopping for a moment, as you find yourselves remembering something unhappy from your past—something that someone said or did that made life harder at the time—and feeling that you would rather not judge or hold anything against that person anymore.
There are not only better things to focus on, but there is an understanding that what has come before need not define the present moment, and that others also have their blind spots and pain to heal and overcome, that has nothing to do with you.
These energies are empowering much inner understanding now, that in the past would perhaps visit only a few very advanced spiritual masters.
They would speak of their discoveries, sounding quite ethereal and elevated, yet their experience was not quite real to those who had not yet stepped into the vibration these dear ones had taken on.
Nor does meditation alone bring you to it, as invaluable as it is.
Keeping an open heart, and staying present in the heart, is meditation, as you know—a powerful form of it.
For you live then in your essence, in the Present, in the Flow of that which runs through all things.
And as we speak of an open heart, we mean more than a willingness to love in conscious ways that which appears to be neutral or positive to the mind.
We mean a spirit of openness, of Allowing, of Accepting that which Already Is, even when it reaches you in ways that feel less than ideal.

Many are disappointed and unhappy with the events occurring in their country at present, and we do not only speak of the United States.
Numerous countries around the world are finding their leaders or their parliamentary or congressional bodies to be sadly lacking in accountability, and only slightly understanding the daily struggles of the people they once promised to assist and support.
Many are alarmed at the out-of-control fires, the extreme weather patterns, the feeling that something big is happening—so “why hasn’t it birthed itself yet?”
This can create its own feeling of angst, or regret some days, that one ever decided to take on yet another Earth life.
We are entirely understanding your impatience on the one hand, and your increasingly feelings that some Beautiful New Thing may be birthed from these energies you are playing in now.
You hold the beauty of quantum potential in one hand—both your playground, and your workplace—and the loud though tired raging of an old Earth paradigm in the other.
And we would say, that while your confusion and your tiredness are understandable, they do not define you in any way.
You are still a queen or a king, still a conqueror of density and a birther of new worlds, still an alchemist intent on drawing gold from every experiment.
If you are able in the denser moments to remind yourself that there are no boundaries now such as your mind once told you, you free yourself from feeling that any one situation is stuck or immovable, or very, very slow to change.
If you can remember that the most brilliant song you ever sang while in the Joy of the higher realms does not even approach the power of the beauty of the New Earth song, you free yourself to feel empowered rather than weakened by whatever might be going on around you.
And if you can remind yourself as well, in those times when Earth’s food doesn’t seem appealing, the air doesn’t feel pure enough, the clothing you are wearing no longer suits this New Being you are becoming—
if you can remind yourself in those moments that that is a good and beautiful sign, and not an indication that you will experience uncomfortable growing pains forever—you do yourself a great favor of self-nurturing and inner Love for your journey.

We will not fill you with platitudes about how “suffering is good for the soul.”
We are aware that those of you who are healers (and that is most of you) understand that suffering is no longer a requirement for inner learning and growth, if it ever was.
Nor will we say, “This discomfort you are feeling is a good thing!” because what is called Good or Bad is likewise a part of the paradigm you are leaving behind.
We would only say, You have come here to release the old and herald the New in Joy and excitement.
And yes, some days, you will feel birth pains. Yet you are doing it nevertheless.
If you can refrain from the judgment that “Life is rough,” and just remain neutral on the subject of whether you even like your life at present or not, that is a great step forward.
Nothing can defeat you, dear ones, as you decide to guard your emotional energies and mental processes with the awareness of a thousand brave Angelic warriors.
They are within you, fighting for you and your right to rise above circumstance, at every moment.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan