Portals to Higher Timelines

Portals to Higher Timelines

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

The energy in the world continues to shift, and portals to higher timelines have been activated. The question is are you ready?

All is moving forward indeed, whether you see it with your physical eyes or not. We would ask you to pause, close your eyes and feel the change.

You are a part of this change, you are bringing this change about with your thoughts, words, and actions. So think, speak, act in alignment with your Soul Self. Be still and silent, go within, and see all the pieces falling into place.

The light forces just outside of Earth’s atmosphere are doing things that most could not even begin to imagine. All in preparation for the final event.

We have stated previously that no more delays are permitted. This still stands. Mother Earth herself is exhausted. She is ready to make the full jump. And she has given this news to the Spiritual Hierarchy.

All is ready. All are in agreement that the process must move forward as Mother Earth wishes. An increase in the acceleration of the awakening is taking place now.

What can you do? Do all that you must to maintain a high vibration. These next two months in particular, hold your light and your peace. Do not allow the dark’s tactics to trigger you into reacting to what is presented on the world stage.

The spells of the dark have no affect on the truly awakened ones. For you have realized your divinity, power, and heart centeredness.

All the light to You!