Message From Archangel Zadkiel: Embracing a Higher

Message From Archangel Zadkiel: Embracing a Higher Focus

Channel: Linda Robinson | Source

Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss embracing a higher focus.

Your focus sets the direction for your path.

It sets the direction for your energy and your vibration. This determines what experiences you draw to you.

Many random thoughts pass through your mind each day. Often, they are unrelated and can take your attention in many different directions.

They may take you in your desired direction, or they may lead you on a completely different path.

You are in control of the direction that you take. You can exercise your free will by selecting the thoughts on which you wish to focus.

Then you are directing your energy toward your desired focus and harnessing the power that comes with this focus.

This process begins with deciding and setting the focus of your desires and goals. When you are aware of your desired outcome, the energy can flow in a coherent direction.

This is setting your intention for your path.

When you set your intention for what you want, you can begin to organize your thoughts into a cohesive and coherent pattern.

Your intention is setting the focus for your thoughts and energy.

As this occurs, the random thoughts are less likely to take root in your consciousness. They simply pass through your awareness and float away.

Your focus takes on increased importance at this point in your awareness.

You can focus on third dimensional awareness, or you can shift your focus to the Higher Realms. Shifting your focus to this higher level aligns your energy with the qualities of the Higher Beings and Oneness.

These higher qualities include things such as Love and a desire for peace, harmony, and highest good. Focusing on higher qualities lifts your frequency to a higher level because these qualities vibrate at a higher rate than lower qualities such as fear or anger.

This sets the stage for you to rise higher on your ascension path.

Because each higher level on the ascension path is composed of an increasingly higher frequency, the vibration of the individual must be an energetic fit to move forward to that level,

You can raise your frequency by focusing consciously on the higher qualities.

Love is a universal quality and is the highest vibration. It is a recognition that all Beings were created from the same Source and that each Being carries a Spark of the Divine within their heart center. When you focus on this awareness, a feeling of Love will permeate your Being. Then, you can radiate this Love out to all Beings.

Focusing on Love is connected to a desire for peace, harmony, and highest good for all. With Oneness what affects one Being affects all Beings. You are able to see the interconnectedness of all Beings, and you want the best for everyone.

Setting your intention to embrace a higher focus keeps these higher qualities in the forefront of your awareness. You may wish to spend some time each day with this focus to reinforce it as part of your path. Then it becomes your default pattern of focus.

As you embrace a higher focus, you will rise to higher levels on your ascension path.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are embracing a higher focus.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel,

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.