The subject of the Cities of Light is re-emerging with vigor. As background for your understanding of these magnificent Cities of
“Greetings. I am ZenZuriah,
Many of you have asked, ‘So what are these Cities of Light, these crystal cities of the future, these places of peace and harmony where love prevails?’ That is why they are called Cities of Light for you could make this interchangeable and call them Cities of Love. It is where we all walk freely.
How we have come to exist, and the reason why, is important for each one of you to understand. The reason why we exist is
We are you. We are your future selves. When you continue, we continue. And when you give up, our light fades. We have not witnessed any of you giving up, quite the contrary. You are truly the visionaries.
You don’t simply look to leave a brighter planet for your family, or for your children, or for generations to come. You are laying the foundation for thousands and millions of years. You think of yourselves as small, for these bodies truly are quite tiny. But the energy and the promise and what you are anchoring not only in your heart but in your communities and in the earth, is laying the foundation for us.
Is that vitally important? Yes. Because it is the unfoldment of a very large universal plan. It is going beyond the universe to the multiverse and coming back to the omniverse. And that is where you are now. The collective is receiving the energy. And it is not only in the Cities of Light that we are anchoring
Terra Gaia was always meant to be an interdimensional portal of love where beings from everywhere could come and have this experience of what it felt like, in all kinds of forms, to live in a community of love. There is nothing more important.
I do not say that because our existence depends on it, I also say it because it is part of your feeling and knowing of your contract and your purpose. When you anchor your Lemurian and your Atlantian and your future Wingmaker self, when you welcome us into your being, anything is possible.
You know, there are some of you that are very interested in building. You would be interested to know that our Cities of Light follow the old pattern of Lemuria and they are constructed by thought, ideas, the collection of molecules into form.
Our star brothers and sisters are with us. And you need to know they are also with you. It is time for this illusion of hidden energies to be destroyed, and for fear to be eliminated. Your star families come in peace to assist. These are the ones that have wandered the universe looking for the place of peace, for the home of love.
Even in the chaos and
If you were to look back at the history and the evolution of your collective and you would say ‘Oh this is where it changed, this is where the shift occurred’. It would be right now. You are ahead of schedule, my friends. And you are ahead of schedule because you have held and embraced the dream, the hope, the faith, the trust. These are the interdimensional qualities that are essential. This is the understanding that brings collectives out of what we see as dark ages into the light.
We come closer because you beckon us but we also come closer because we are anxious to do so. The grid and the blending is moving very rapidly now. It is not 800 years away, it is more like 80. So, you might want to stick around. There is no need, you know, to believe those old grids and embrace the destruction of death and disease. That is not our way.
You say to me, ‘ZenZuriah what do I do to assist with this anchoring of the Cities of Light?’ And I suggest to you that you are doing it but I also ask you – hold it, hold it in your heart, hold it in your grid, hold it in
Will we survive?
You will more than survive, you will thrive. Do not forget Gaia hosts us all. It is true there is some rather dramatic housecleaning going on, but, you will survive. If you feel that your flame is running low you have complete access to us, as you do to All.
In our humble
Do you have an ethereal form or you more solid than that?
We are far more solid than that.
As solid as we are now or not quite?
No, we are as dense (laughter) and I do not mean that – yes you do – you’re picking on me because I’m here – oh, but you are also with us. You are known as Zengayla.
It is not the same as what you currently do. Although if one wishes to have, to revisit an ancient form, that is fine, that is certainly allowed. But it is more community based rather than singular family. Thank you. The children belong to everyone. Oh, we are doing the Lemurian thing. Yes. It is a full circle.
And do the children have stories of our time?
Is there more we can do now to help
You are at the crossroads and we know that many of you are tired and that is why we invited you to ‘Homecoming’. Not to give you assignments but that you would know that you are not alone.
However, it’s not about sitting at the crossroads or intersection and just sitting down and dying as if you have run the 24K. And it is not about turning left or right. It is about holding your truth and your Light and to just keep going. We do not give you elaborate instructions on how to proceed, besides which each one of you
How do you communicate with us?
By thought, by what you would feel as an impulse. There are many times when you are feeling an electrical impulse and you think ‘I’m too electrical today and I must ground a little further’ but in fact that is us talking to you. That is the way in which we tend to communicate as an electrical impulse. So that will get translated into thought or ideas even sometimes you call it divine inspiration, we don’t, but yes, that is how we communicate.
Why is it that so many people are having health issues?
Because your bodies are changing. You have taken in much of the toxic energy, not of the planet but of, you know, a lot gets blamed on the planet that has nothing to do with her. It’s very interesting. The toxic energies are mostly from human belief systems and so many of you have turned yourselves into human cleaning factories. Now, that’s a very noble idea but it isn’t always a good one.
So that’s over, right?
It’s over when you say it’s over. It’s over then now, anybody
You do not need to process. This time of differentiation, you are hearing this everywhere. It is not about clearing. This is the crossroads that we are talking about. It is the point at which you are saying ‘I am leaving that behind’. It is not clearing it; it is leaving it behind and going forward on the next phase of your journey. You have had many trailblazers and settlers in this wonderful area, in
I ask you in
Channeled by Linda Dillon at Sedona Annual Gathering, Nov. 5, 2010