GALACTIC ENERGIES, GAIA AND HUMANITYIn this extra special Update Webinar, Sheldan explains what is happening to Gaia and all of us right now!WEBINAR PREVIEW: Our Shifting Reality |
Topics include... • How the Galactic Core Energies are affecting us For your downloadable file, CLICK HERE $13.95 Webinar Date: Sunday, October 18, 2015 |
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Metatron Message ~ NEW YOUChannelled through Natalie Glasson - 8th January 2016 - Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa |
As the Earth enters into a new cycle/year major shifts of love are being instigated and taking place in this moment. The Earth and humanity are beginning a long awaited alignment with the planet Venus throughout 2016. Venus is known as the planet of love and so a union between the Earth and Venus is and will take place in order to support the Earth in more fully anchoring in to the Era of Love. Thus allowing the Earth to accept her natural vibration while equalling the love frequency created and maintained upon Venus. It is humanity’s ability to receive and accept which will aid the alignment of the Earth with Venus. As both planets energetically reflect equalling and heightening vibrations of love so the treasures of the Earth will be revealed. By treasures, I, Archangel Metatron, mean the unique sacred wisdom, qualities, Creator vibrations and purpose of Mother Earth and those who inhabit her. As an aspect of humanity your purpose is to receive and accept love so that throughout 2016 you grow and expand as a being and expression of unconditional Creator love. It is important to receive love from the Beings of Venus, your Guides, Angelic Friends, Ascended Masters, Nature, those around you and the Creator. It is essential to recognise there is always an abundance of love available for you to receive. This is not to demand love; it is to nurture yourself with love. The more you open your mind, consciousness and thoughts to receiving all forms of love the easier it will be for you to accept love, thus utilising it in your reality as guided by your soul. A vital focus at this time is to be conscious of receiving the love of your soul, and soul group if you wish, however accepting the love of your soul into all aspects of your being and body will allow for a fuller experience of connection with all aspects of the Creator. A focus upon receiving the abundant love which is available for you to absorb will allow for brilliant and |
To receive divine blessings or your wishes in your reality no longer is there a need to believe that hard work is necessary. There is a need to instead enhance your inner belief, which is already present, that everything you require is available to you. Through your focus on receiving you can access and experience all you require. Through this shift in consciousness you will be erasing the energy of striving, suffering and lack from your own consciousness and the consciousness of humanity as these are only products of the ego. Imagine a world with less people striving, suffering and experiencing lack, this can occur with your simple focus upon receiving the love of your soul. Remember your soul is connected to and is all aspects of the Creator. This is a year for major shifts and accelerated growth within your being which will impact your reality and the consciousness of humanity. The love and support of Venus will create dramatic shifts in your own consciousness and the consciousness of humanity as this will dissolve boundaries and limitations to allow more love to be experienced for all. Processes of release whether experienced through illness, emotions, the erasing of fears or other forms may still be present with you. This will take place until you and humanity learn to heal and release unneeded energies through the power of the abundant love within your being. As you move through 2016 you will be able to acknowledge that you are learning to heal and release fears through the power of your love, this will be a noticeable shift within your being. To you it will symbolise you are taking more responsibility in your own spiritual evolution, accepting your power, following your inner guidance and aligning with all that is the Creator. This will result in a feeling of truly beginning to grasp the process of ascension upon the Earth. The alignment of the Earth with Venus will allow for new aspects of yourself to manifest from within your being; higher divine evolved aspects of truth. Due to the enhanced love vibrations upon the Earth, around and within you throughout the year you will be supported in divine frequencies to explore within your being. If you have the determination and the will-power to develop your spiritual evolution, then you will notice a greater experience of divine support embracing you and an unfolding of your truth from within your being. This may result in being guided to address certain issues, energies, habits within your being while noticing that they are easily resolved. With lack of will power you may feel you are being excluded from the love pouring into the Earth from Venus with sensations of being stuck, stagnant or trapped. Will power is an essential focus for the cycle unfolding upon the Earth now. Being consciously aware of your will power or lack of will power as well as your focus of creation will arise in many experiences and reality situations. To support this process of learning and growth you may wish to sit peacefully, in meditation or divine connection and ask yourself: ‘What is my will power? Where does it originate from? Does my will power require me to have a focus? What focus would be most aligned to my soul? How can I enhance my will power?’ |
These are valuable questions which will create awakening of your resonance with the Creator from within. Your insights are of most value, however I wish to remind you that to receive the abundant love of the Creator will awaken and enhance your will power. Your will power is the potent concentration of your soul born from the energy and guidance of the Creator. It is through acceptance and embodiment of love, of all forms, which encourages the development of your will power. I, Archangel Metatron, encourage you to acknowledge that a new you will be born throughout this year. Taking place through receiving love, accessing and empowering your will power as well as realising that you are now more than ever responsible for the blossoming of truth within your being and that this will occur through your conscious awareness and instigation of shifts within you. ‘I allow myself to receive love with ease.’ ‘I easily access my will power; it is a positive influence in my reality.’ ‘I am now consciously aware of the shifts occurring within my being.’ ‘Through acceptance of myself and the Creator I am my soul, accessing my truth I feel myself to be a new and enriched version of myself.’ 2016, this new cycle will support you in manifesting yourself anew from the purity of your soul, thus creating shifts within your reality which are necessary for your spiritual evolution. It is an opportunity because of the great volume of love, to experience fulfilment, healing, in truth whatever you wish for. I, Archangel Metatron, have shared with you simply a focus which will aid you in accessing the beautiful opportunities available at this time. Your inner planes guides are present to support you, we do require more and more that you call upon our assistance, because as you grow spiritually it is easier for us to communicate with you however your responsibility for your spiritual evolution means we can more increasingly intervene only with your permission. I am always present to guide and assist, Archangel Metatron |
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