Energy Guide
John Sherry
Many now come to their final challenge on stepping into their higher life on Earth.
After many years of trials and tests defeating darkness and difficulty, loss and heartbreak, being in the wilderness and broken, to allowing the cosmic awakening to come forth, perhaps the toughest challenge meets them at the point of crossing, at the precise place where they are ready to live as a fully energised self.
So much in them is ready to burst forth and become an advanced soul fulfilling themselves in this world but one obstacle blocks the way.
This obstacle has been present across all time for all notable spiritual people in history. For all the greats and pioneers and stellar souls who went before to light the way.They all came to the same point. They all had to breakthrough to release themselves into more than they could imagine yet have complete understanding of.
Between where they are and a world so different and magnificent at every level is the same ultimate barrier to conquer.
This barrier is a personal one and all must face it and defeat it so it never returns.
This challenge, this obstacle, is being scared of holding such powerful energy and light that they have.The fear of the magnificence of what they are not as ego or identity, but as a pure force.
For the humble yet magnificent light being in human form that comes to face this has to tame the fear that they are not enough, not worthy or not nearly significant a soul to carry forth such enormity. For to have this eternal force is to have the ability to carve creations and alter the dimensions of this world through their actions, vibrations, influence, and truth. To move through and make this reality is to step into the shoes of the Gods, the legends, the ancients, and the historical giants of this Earth.
And so they feel scared at all it means and how their life may change. Are they this cosmic individual? Do they really hold such infinitesimal power? And. above all, that it is beyond anything this planet could restrict or capture.
They know the truth of who they are. They feel it. It connects to them and feeds them and becomes them.
All that is left is the last hurdle.
It is scary, but all who must rise higher must meet it head on.
The life that they always saw, imagined, knew, that actually kept speaking to them lies on the other side. The true ‘other side’ we all speak of.
This could now be you. Everything else has been defeated, only this remains. No-one can do it for you, it is your final lower challenge to transcend into higher living.
Can you honestly no longer be scared within every part of your being of your energy and light? Absolutely beyond just words and wishes????
Will you beat the Final Challenge?
Are you prepared to take it?
John x
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L’Aura Pleiadian
“Mercury Retrograde HAMMERS Home ~ Be Present NOW”
Mercury Retrograde Hammers HOME ~ slow down, stop and BE STILL
BE Present NOW.
Simply BE.
Let go of all else in the mind chatter of endless nonsense of thinking.
There is nothing that DICATES a when….ONLY A NOW, Beloved Souls.
This PRESENT only exists in the eternal Divine Presence though your Heart.
Live and BE there…in that space of eternal consciousness.
We activate YOU NOW, in love.
FULL POST:…/mercury-retrograde-hamm…/
In love,