Galactic Activation Imminent–Pacific Ring Of Fire

Galactic Activation Imminent – The Pacific Ring Of Fire – The Crown

~Duncan Alexander

A Large Solar Flare Emission is imminent which will be carrying another wave of Christ Diamond Light Codes which will be having a significant impact on Gaia and the Collective Consciousness Simultaneously.

This wave of plasma will be flooding the earth plane and will be assisting with the next wave of Kundalini and DNA Rainbow Body Activations thus triggering a significant Activation for Gaia beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean where a very large amount of density will be released and transmuted.

This Activation is connected to all the wars fought around the world for many generations that have imprinted a dense energetic within the earths memory banks.
This activation will create a vortex acting as a release point for the transmutation to take place.

The density being released in this area has acted as resistance to the Ascension of Gaia and the Collective Consciousness for many generations dating back to Ancient Civilizations. This dense energetic has contributed to the fear based programming that has kept many innocents living in a fear based reality experience and within the illusion of a disconnection to ones Divinity.

Some of the ascension symptoms included below.
(As always the lows deemed to be uncomfortable are temporary and are followed by some wonderful expansive states of being).

Kundalini Fluctuations, Liberation, Heart Tingling, Crown Tingling, Chakra (Hot/Cold Sensations), Energy Fluctuations, Euphoria, Bliss, Clarity, Oneness, Enhanced senses, Peace, Love, Inner knowing, Vivid Dreaming, Nightmares, Insomnia, Visions, Heart Palpitations, Painful Memories, Past Life Memories, Anxiety, Irritability, Anger, Fatigue, Vertigo, Physical Aches and Pains, Body Sores, Headaches, Ringing Ears, Blurred Vision, Fear, Dismay, Nausea, Crying, Confusion, Fatigue, Exhaustion.

Another very significant moment for Gaia and the Collective Consciousness in strengthening the collectives connection with Gaia, their Higher Selves, Guides, Multidimensional Aspects and the Masters of Light!
~Duncan Alexander


Amanda Lorence


Those that practice thus gain MASTERY of their OWN energetic field, plus their awareness of the COLLECTIVE LIGHT ENERGY GRID SYSTEM, are the human beings that become the living conduits for Gaia, Kingdoms, Galactic (above and below). They will do so, not via out of body or astral realm experiences (that returns them afterwards to the human personality state), but via the direct living conscious ability in body, to energetically work with the higher frequency energetic fields of TRANSLOCATIONAL WAVES (see 2019 FB Live video on Translocational Waves in Videos section of this wall). These humans can thus discern HIGHEST CHOICE for the WHOLE (everything affects everything in all creation), by being beyond the human personality influences that exists as an energetic overlay for separational experience within the polarised holographic reality of 3D and 4D. In having the human energetic ability to TRANSCEND the human personality when required, (that does remain as the higher human version), they are ‘trusted’ by realms and kingdoms that reside within the frequencies of the Unified Field. In truth, there is no belief system known as ‘trust’ in the higher energetic fields (trust is a human 3D belief system/idea), as it is just frequency based, where energy is only gauged (not judged) as actual variable frequencies. So it is just that at certain energetic frequency attained, our actions DO serve ALL.

This is what we are heading towards…as ONE humanity.

Amanda Lorence
25 April 2020


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards our Ecuador healing retreat center.



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I am your brother Sananda! Greetings friends.


You are exhausted, and I see this, but please know that your exhaustion and Light lending have made a tremendous impact on Planet Earth and all is proceeding well.

The winds of change are what you are experiencing. When a new Planet is formed (do you remember?) there is always Darkness before the Light. There is always the chaos of the birth of the new; volcanoes, fog, lightening, wind. And then it calms down a bit and the plants take hold, and then the species come and an ecosystem begins. And this is where you are now.

The volcanos the chaos are evident but the plants of newness of change, that repurpose the air and fill the atmosphere with healthy oxygen for new breath, this is what you are all doing, our Light Worker friends. You are laying the groundwork quite literally to ground in these new Energies as you build, you create this New Earth Reality that will be unmatched, unparalleled in beauty and in purpose and in hope in this entire Universe.

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Nova Gaia will be the example of true Victory of true over coming and you Humans will remember who you are. She will be called “The Planet of the Golden Rose”, and the Milky Way are renamed into “The Golden Rose Galaxy”, so it has been foretold. And many of you remember this deep in your Hearts from all of those exciting galactic meetings that you have attended and contributed most excellently to.


Ha! Yes, even with Ascension, even in the Higher Realms, we have meetings. But be encouraged they are for the most part fun. There is great camaraderie up here, in the Higher Realms and we long to bring this camaraderie to you. But when you reach for us, for me, you are building this bridge of friendship across the realms of time and space, of dimension, and we are creating the bridge across this space for Humanity to follow.

You are the way showers. The brick layers. The bridge builders. And we love you all so much. I embrace you, we love you and you are not alone. Let us build a firm foundation of Christed Light deep into the Heart of all of Humanity and anchor it into the Heart of Nova Gaia.

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Be at peace. Be at peace! All is well! All is unfolding. We’re just ironing out the creases right now.

I love you. I am your Sananda.

~ galaxygirl