Use that energy to remain in your heart and maintain that peaceful balance, so you can hold the loving space and support others while they are going through their downs and fears. Channeled by Genoveva Coyle.
Greetings my dear ones! I am Lord Buddha and I come today to bring you love, stability and serenity at this time of turmoil.
Sit with me in stillness and allow me to fill you with that joy and bliss that flows in naturally when you stop the racing of your busy mind, when you lift yourselves above your feelings and thoughts, when you float with the love and the light.
Certainly, there will be some clouds here and there, white and dark ones as well, but you don’t have to get on board and ride with any of them. Look at them with neutrality, see the good and the bad as being part of the life game. Gently push them away and then just be and allow the world to be what it is at this time!
Trust that you and everyone else are where they need to be at this present moment, and stop trying so hard to make things happen in a certain way or at certain speed. Sure your intentions are good and loving, sure you want the conflict and war to stop at all levels…in your family, in close communities, and throughout the entire world…but the lessons need to be learned and experienced by the ones that have chosen a certain difficult path.
Understand that you just do not have the master plan and do not know what is for the greatest good of all involved…and this is exactly as it should be.
Can you accept this and let go of anything that you have to do? Can you be at peace with the world as it is in this moment, and then in the next moment, and then the next one, knowing that you are already home?
It is the most difficult task for you to sit and do nothing, or so it seems to you, while you get nudged by your ego and by the outside world.
Do you have to spend so much energy to be right? Let go of the need to be right, let go of the guilt when events seem to go the wrong way, for you might be surprised at where the growth and expansion come from.
Use that energy to remain in your heart and maintain that peaceful balance, so you can hold the loving space and support others while they are going through their downs and fears. Sending love and strength to your loved ones while they go through their rough patches of growing is the same as sending love and good intentions to the ones in the war zone going through their chosen collective lessons.
This is not sitting and doing nothing; this is way more effective than attempting to solve a problem that is not yours and so delaying the learning, even if the challenging events happen to be occurring in your backyard.
Everyone gets frustrated in the end since no one appreciates when the opportunity to move further along on their path is taken away or modified in any way.
Every being incarnated in these times of chaos and transformation, each and every one of you, are extremely powerful beings that have waited for eons for this moment in the evolution of Planet Earth and the human collective to come down and bring that unique and great contribution to the ascension of Gaia and the human collective.
Whichever way they contribute and assist it matters not, for you should be focusing on whatever is draining and lowering your own vibration, not on analyzing and trying to understand everyone’s divine plan. That which slows you down needs to be purged and released and that includes judging the ones that are opposing you in any shape or form, for they are great catalysts in the speeding up of your growth.
Let go of the need to expose and punish them if they seem sneaky or if they are unfairly playing a rough game. You have your peaceful and loving tools to work with. Let go of the need to be rewarded and acknowledged for your good behavior and sportsmanship.
Move on to the next level of your path with ease and grace. Hang on to nothing and then face every new task with love and curiosity. Be content and joyful in every moment, knowing that you are guided and loved always. Trust that the world is safe as it is, for indeed it is, regardless of the recent happenings.
Be the peace and the love beacons. Be the silent examples for others and know that this is the teaching of the Nova Earth.
Everyone is free, everyone can find that invisible door back home into the heart of the Source, but they have to follow their own clues and go at their own pace which is carefully monitored by their higher selves. Hold the light high so they can see it better, hoping that they choose the easy and less painful way out.
And be there for them with a kind smile and a warm embrace, whenever they seek your acceptance and assistance, just the way we are always here for you.
Congratulation for joining the light elite of the masters. Congratulations for your valor and selfless service!
I will leave you now with my peace and zen. Farewell!
By Permission.
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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