Now is the time for us to Awaken!
Awaken the harmony that exists within!
The Divine Pattern of Love and Oneness . . .
It is the NEW WAY
This will transform the Earth!
Star and the Beings of Light, Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters, bring the message of Oneness and Healing, as we all learn to work together to bring the Earth into the new frequencies of Fifth Dimensional awareness: peace, love, joy, abundance, and perfect health.
As we learn to create our reality in the outer physical world based on the framework of these energies, these Fifth Dimensional patterns of perfection, our Earth will be transformed from a place of pain and suffering, physical disease, war, pestilence and plague, into the image of Heaven on Earth, which exists in our distant memories as the “Garden of Eden.” This is the image of Earth before the fall of mankind from our state of “Original Grace and Divine Perfection” which occurred aeons ago.
The Earth and all her life-forms are now being returned to this Divine State of Being through the action of Fifth Dimensional frequencies of energy, which have been released to Earth during the Shift of the Ages which occurred on the Winter Solstice of December 21st – 22nd, 2012. Because of this event, we are now vibrating at a rate of higher energetic frequency where the creation of the New Earth is now possible for humanity.
This is the message that Star and the Beings of Light, Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters, bring to public events, in order to bring the new awareness that the time of suffering is now at an end on Earth, and that the time is NOW for the creation of “The New Earth,” in all her beauty and perfection, so that we can have the physical experience of joy, peace, love, abundance, and perfect health AS WE ARE LIVING ON EARTH, and not only when we “die” or transition back into the Heaven Realms of Divine Perfection!